K4ryuu / CS2_SimpleRanks

A CS2 server extension that allows you to create an unlimited number of ranks with customizable experience thresholds and rank colors. Players gain or lose experience during various in-game events, enabling them to advance or regress between ranks. The extension is fully configurable using 'configs.json' and utilizes MySQL to store data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 1 forks source link

Does not create config[BUG] #6

Closed szogun1910 closed 8 months ago

szogun1910 commented 8 months ago

meta plugins [Client] [01] CounterStrikeSharp (0.1.0) by Roflmuffin [Client] [02] Base Admin (1.2) by Pisex meta version [Client] Metamod:Source Version Information [Client] Metamod:Source version 2.0.0-dev+1256 [Client] Plugin interface version: 16:14 [Client] SourceHook version: 5:5 [Client] Loaded As: GameDLL (gameinfo.txt) [Client] Compiled on: Oct 26 2023 10:57:52 [Client] Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source/commit/6ee74f0 [Client] Build ID: 1256:6ee74f0 [Client] http://www.metamodsource.net/

After uploading everything and resetting the server, it does not create a config.json file for me
