KABBOUCHI / adonisjs-scheduler

Task scheduler for AdonisJS
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Erron warnings when using scheduler with GrammyJS/TelegrafJS #1

Closed jakemake closed 1 year ago

jakemake commented 1 year ago

Every time when i start scheduler node ace scheduler:run i see errors (node:2572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: GrammyError: Call to 'getUpdates' failed! (409: Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running)

KABBOUCHI commented 1 year ago

this error coming from https://github.com/grammyjs/grammY

make sure u have 1 bot instance, instantiate it outside public async run(), probably as singleton https://docs.adonisjs.com/guides/auth/custom-user-provider

feel free to share a github repo

jakemake commented 1 year ago

this error coming from https://github.com/grammyjs/grammY

make sure u have 1 bot instance, instantiate it outside public async run(), probably as singleton https://docs.adonisjs.com/guides/auth/custom-user-provider

feel free to share a github repo

import type { ApplicationContract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Application'

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provider
Your application is not ready when this file is loaded by the framework.
Hence, the top level imports relying on the IoC container will not work.
You must import them inside the life-cycle methods defined inside
the provider class.
public async ready () {
const Database = this.app.container.resolveBinding('Adonis/Lucid/Database')
const Event = this.app.container.resolveBinding('Adonis/Core/Event')
Event.on('db:query', Database.prettyPrint)


Thanks for your reply, yeah i understand that it is grammy error and related to Adonisjs app lifecycle This issue hapenning only when i run scheduler command. I tried to move telegram bot initiating into new created Provider but even after, error continuing appear. I use polling method to get updates from TelegramBot Can you pls check this block of code?

import { Bot } from 'grammy'
export default class TelegramProvider {
  constructor(protected app: ApplicationContract) {}

  public register() {
    this.app.container.singleton('Telegram/Bot', () => {
      const config = this.app.config.get('telegram')

      return new Bot(config.telegramConfig.botToken)
    // Register your own bindings

  public async boot() {
    //start telegram bot

  public async ready() {
    console.log('start bot')
    // await this.app.container.use('Telegram/Bot').stop()

  public async shutdown() {
    console.log('stop bot')

    // Cleanup, since app is going down
KABBOUCHI commented 1 year ago

@jakemake plz can u share/create a small repo with the bug?

jakemake commented 1 year ago

@jakemake plz can u share/create a small repo with the bug?


i've created a new bot and included it to code

KABBOUCHI commented 1 year ago

@jakemake you can only start one bot, you need to make sure only 1 instance is listening to messages



Note: I don't recommend starting the bot on a web instance

1- create new command GrammyListener with loadApp/keepAlive + Start the bot => node ace grammy:listen 2- Other instances like web/console/queues/scheduler will use only the bot to query/execute stuff

ex: https://github.com/jakemake/adonis-grammy-scheduler/pull/1

jakemake commented 1 year ago

@jakemake you can only start one bot, you need to make sure only 1 instance is listening to messages



Note: I don't recommend starting the bot on a web instance

1- create new command GrammyListener with loadApp/keepAlive + Start the bot => node ace grammy:listen 2- Other instances like web/console/queues/scheduler will use only the bot to query/execute stuff

ex: jakemake/adonis-grammy-scheduler#1

this is awesome, thanks! works perfectly