Getting error when split chunks enabled. Is there any examples when split chunks enabled?
Here is my config
// process only .bundle.js files
if ( configFile.indexOf('.bundle.js') > 0 ) {
// if the buildComponents is empty or configFile is in the list of components to build, let's build it
// otherwise skip it (helpful for building only one component)
if ( buildComponents.length === 0 || buildComponents.indexOf(configFile.replace('.bundle.js', '')) > -1 ) {
const configFilePath = `${__dirname}/resources/configs/react/${configFile}`;
const config = require(configFilePath);
hotEntry = config.entry;
config.resources.forEach(config => {
console.log('Building: ', config['resourcePath']);
if(config['resourcePath'] && config['outputPath'] && config['resourcePath'].indexOf('.scss') > 0){
mix.sass(config['resourcePath'], config['outputPath']);
mix.js(config['resourcePath'], config['outputPath']).react().mergeManifest;
Getting error when split chunks enabled. Is there any examples when split chunks enabled?
Here is my config