KABBOUCHI / vue-tippy

VueJS Tooltip powered by Tippy.js
MIT License
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Need `enabled` prop for dynamically enable/disable tippy #274

Open lukas-pierce opened 1 year ago

lukas-pierce commented 1 year ago

Heed simple enabled boolean prop:

  <label><input type="checkbox" v-model="tippyEnabled"> Enable tippy</label>

  <!--button with optional tippy-->
  <button v-tippy="{content: 'Some content', enabled: tippyEnabled}">Hover me</button>

<script setup>
const tippyEnabled = ref(false)

Now for this approach I need use composition API with useTippy(), It looks bulky:

  <label><input type="checkbox" v-model="tippyEnabled"> Enable tippy</label>

  <!--button with optional tippy-->
  <button ref="button">Hover me</button>

<script setup>
import { useTippy } from 'vue-tippy'

const tippyEnabled = ref(false)
const button = ref(null)

// need wrap this hook for nuxt usage
onMounted(() => {
  if (button.value) {

    // create Tippy instance
    const { enable, disable } = useTippy(button.value, {
      content: 'Some content',

    watchEffect(() => {
      tippyEnabled.value ? enable() : disable()
KABBOUCHI commented 1 year ago

u can use onShow to disable the tooltip

  <button v-tippy="{ content: 'Some content', onShow: () => true }">
    Hover me


a-ruban commented 1 year ago

@KABBOUCHI also vote for "enabled" prop, it's just more explicit and obvious

JackHamer09 commented 1 year ago


yulafezmesi commented 1 year ago

+1 for enabled prop.

daniilgri commented 1 year ago


FredrikAnkarang commented 6 months ago
