KAPastor / XRHandAnimations

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ActionBasedController Input #1

Open K-Kirsch opened 2 years ago

K-Kirsch commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the script! I changed it to work with ActionBasedControllers, thought someone else might find this version helpful:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
using TMPro; // Add the TextMesh Pro namespace to access the various functions.
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using System;

public class HandAnim : MonoBehaviour
    public Animator m_animator = null;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty GripAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty TriggerAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty IndexAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty ThumbAction;

    public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT = "Point Layer";
    public const string ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB = "Thumb Layer";
    public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX = "Flex";
    public const string ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE = "Pose";

    private int m_animLayerIndexThumb = -1;
    private int m_animLayerIndexPoint = -1;
    private int m_animParamIndexFlex = -1;
    private int m_animParamIndexPose = -1;
    private Collider[] m_colliders = null;

    public float anim_frames = 4f;
    private float grip_state = 0f;
    private float trigger_state = 0f;
    private float triggerCap_state = 0f;
    private float thumbCap_state = 0f;

    private void Reset()
        m_animator = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();

    private void Awake()
        GripAction.action.performed += GripActionPerformed;
        TriggerAction.action.performed += TriggerActionPerformed;
        IndexAction.action.performed += IndexActionPerformed;
        ThumbAction.action.performed += ThumbActionPerformed;

    void Start()
        m_colliders = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>().Where(childCollider => !childCollider.isTrigger).ToArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < m_colliders.Length; ++i)
            Collider collider = m_colliders[i];
            // collider.transform.localScale = new Vector3(COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN, COLLIDER_SCALE_MIN);
            collider.enabled = true;
        m_animLayerIndexPoint = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_POINT);
        m_animLayerIndexThumb = m_animator.GetLayerIndex(ANIM_LAYER_NAME_THUMB);
        m_animParamIndexFlex = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_FLEX);
        m_animParamIndexPose = Animator.StringToHash(ANIM_PARAM_NAME_POSE);

    private void ThumbActionPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
        CalculateState(obj.ReadValue<float>(), ref thumbCap_state);
        m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexThumb, 1f - thumbCap_state);

    private void IndexActionPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
        CalculateState(obj.ReadValue<float>(), ref triggerCap_state);
        m_animator.SetLayerWeight(m_animLayerIndexPoint, 1f - triggerCap_state);

    private void TriggerActionPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
        CalculateState(obj.ReadValue<float>(), ref trigger_state);
        m_animator.SetFloat("Pinch", trigger_state);

    private void GripActionPerformed(InputAction.CallbackContext obj)
        CalculateState(obj.ReadValue<float>(), ref grip_state);
        m_animator.SetFloat(m_animParamIndexFlex, grip_state);

    private void CalculateState(float value, ref float state)
        var delta = value - state;
        if(delta > 0f)
            state = Mathf.Clamp(state + 1 / anim_frames, 0f, value);
        } else if (delta < 0f)
            state = Mathf.Clamp(state - 1 / anim_frames, value, 1f);
            state = value;
TheBlackBird808 commented 2 years ago


I also had the same problem with the Action Based Controller. However, in this spirit of the original script, I found it easier to replace the XRController with ActionBasedController AbController and afterwards access the values through the controller. This way the original script stays the same, only replacing the if-Conditions with variable allocation (e.g. gripTarget = abController.selectAction.action.ReadValue<float>();

However, I could not assign the thumb and index touch events, neither in my version not in yours, as apperently the XRI Default Input Actions I am using do not support those. Did you found any solution for that?

zhouaea commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this! I couldn't get the version above working because of some weird errors I couldn't understand, so I wrote a stripped down version (without lerping) attached below.

As for the thumb and index touch events, the XRI Default Input Actions does not support them but you can add them manually yourself. Just follow the set up detailed in this post here.

For some reason, the triggerTouched binding isn't available from the path menu, but just do as they say in this thread here: "if you select triggerPressed and then use the blue T button to switch to path mode you can edit the text field and change Pressed to Touched", and it'll work.

Stripped down code:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class OculusHandAnimation : MonoBehaviour
    public Animator handAnimator = null;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty selectAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty activateAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty indexAction;
    [SerializeField] public InputActionProperty thumbAction;

    private int animLayerIndexThumb = -1;
    private int animLayerIndexPoint = -1;

    void Start()
        animLayerIndexPoint = handAnimator.GetLayerIndex("Point Layer");
        animLayerIndexThumb = handAnimator.GetLayerIndex("Thumb Layer");

    void Update()
        float gripValue = selectAction.action.ReadValue<float>();
        handAnimator.SetFloat("Flex", gripValue);

        float pinchValue = activateAction.action.ReadValue<float>();
        handAnimator.SetFloat("Pinch", pinchValue);

        handAnimator.SetLayerWeight(animLayerIndexPoint, 1 - indexAction.action.ReadValue<float>());
        handAnimator.SetLayerWeight(animLayerIndexThumb, 1 - thumbAction.action.ReadValue<float>());