KAfable / Interaction

Modpack for 1.12.2
6 stars 2 forks source link

Ore / Resource / Part Multiplication #32

Open KAfable opened 6 years ago

KAfable commented 6 years ago

Purpose Since the pack has no quarries, and is not designed to have any form of automated resource production/gathering, the best way to to enact progression is to continuously upgrade infrastructure to let the player make the most out of their actual scarce resources.

Right now chosen arbitrarily, this will culminate in a 32x Ore Multiplication process (hopefully consisting of dozens of mods processes interaction). In addition there will be more efficient production processes unlocked for Bolts, Plates, Beams, Rings, etc. and other items that are not ingots.

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extractive_metallurgy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrometallurgy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrometallurgy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrometallurgy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comminution

Obviously due to the ridiculous nature of the this process, there will be magical elements involved, just haven't decided which ones yet - I am interetsd in including Astral Sorcery Starlight, Liquid Starlight as well as Botania Mana.

2x Multipilcation

Tier 2

3x Multiplication

Tier 2 - 3

4x Multiplication

Tier 3-4

8x Multiplication

Tier 4 - 5

12x Multiplication

Tier 5

16x Multiplication

Tier 6+

32x Multiplication

Tier 6+

Tools Rods

1) Crafting: 2 Ingots -> 1 Rod (Artisan's Worktable) 2) Carpenter: 1 Ingot + Oil -> 1 Rod

3) Rolling Machine: 1 Ingot -> 2 Rods

Groovelpunk commented 6 years ago

I've decided to compile my preliminary findings on the various mods in the pack that can process, combine or transform items, and edit the post later to sort them into tiers: AbbysalCraft - Rituals can create items Actually Additions - Ore doubling machine, Atomic Reconstructer Applied Energistics - Grinder Astral Sorcery - Research Further Better Boilers - Could be used as one step of the processing Botania - Orechid, Runic Altar, Apothecary, Pour mana into another mod ritual? Calculator - Can combine items Cooking for Blockheads - Could use the kitchen equipment for some basic ore processing Crossroads - Research further Cyclic - Reverse crafting machine (Custom recipes) Draconic Evolution - Fusion Crafting, Draconic Chest smelting Embers - Research Further Engineers Workshop Reborn - Furnaces Evilcraft - Rituals? Extra Utilities - QED Extended Crafting - Combination Crafting, Compression Crafting FrogCraft: Rebirth - Research Further, A lot of potential Futurepack - Research Further Gendustry - Bee by-products could help gate recipes Immersive Engineering - Crusher IndustrialCraft 2 - Macerator, Ore Washing Plant, and Thermal Centrifuge Industrial Foregoing - Research Further Mekanism - Huge ore processing chart, multiple stages Modular Machinery - Obviously useful for custom mlutiblock processing stations Mystical Agriculture - Potentially, you could create 2 forms of use for MA farms. If you tweak the recipes to require either one of the ores and essences to create a seperate item, and later combine the essences with a catalyst that isn't used up (eg philosophers stone) to create ores, you could increase the flexibility of this mod Plants - Cauldron could be used in custom recipes Powered Thingies - Item liquefier, Item Compound Producer, Powder Maker, Powered Kiln ProjectE - Can create anything, even ores Psi - Smelt Trick RFTools - Crafter, Matter Beamer could be used as an interesting combining element Rustic - Alchemy System Sky Resources 2 - Various Blocks (Combustion, Fridge, Crystallizer) that could be customised Tech Reborn - Lots of ore processing machines Thermal Expansion - Similar to Tech Reborn, Macerator etc Tinkers' Construct - Smeltery