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[Concept] : HerbMail.com - Front Page #75

Open h0lybyte opened 8 months ago

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Core Concept/Theory A clear and concise description of what the concept is. Ex. It would be cool if [...]

Finishing up the front page of HerbMail.com!

Currently I am testing out the Modal component, which is in the Astro-Ve library but will be extended out in the HerbMail.com's index.astro.

Right now we are doing a bit of manual editing but later own I would like to integrate a bit of machine learning into helping resolve these types of issues.

Alternative Ideas Is there any other way this concept could be used?

The components that we build and test can be used in RareIcon.com, KBVE.com, ect...

Alternative Examples/Sources Are there any other references that you can provide?

Nothing as of right now.

Additional information Add any other context or examples of this concept here.

This is an extended issue of https://github.com/KBVE/kbve.com/issues/700

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

From logs: [1]

    'Discover dedicated email services for personal AI agents. Streamline communication and empower your AI with a tailored inbox. Join now!';


                                class="text-xs uppercase text-gray-400 indent-48">

                                class="text-3xl font-bold text-gradient indent-12">
                                We're not reinventing the wheel.
                            <p class="my-6 indent-12">
                                Unleash the limitless potential of AI agents in
                                your digital realm! From automating mundane
                                tasks to spark innovative solutions, these
                                intelligent assistants can reshape your daily
                                routine. Dive into a world where your personal
                                agent curates content, offers design insights,
                                crafts compelling narratives, and even decodes
                                intricate data. Step beyond the ordinary and
                                reimagine what's possible with AI at your


                            class="flex flex-col justify-center flex-1 p-6 bg-gray-900/[.45]">
                                class="text-xs uppercase text-gray-400 indent-48">
                                Plant Ideas.
                            <h3 class="text-3xl font-bold text-gradient">
                                We're not reinventing the wheel
                            <p class="my-6">
                                Transforming abstract ideas into fully-fledged applications has become remarkably efficient with the advent of AI agents.
                                These intelligent assistants not only help in streamlining the ideation process but also play a pivotal role in the design, development, and testing phases.
                                With their ability to process vast amounts of data swiftly, generate code, spot anomalies, and even predict user behaviors, AI agents have revolutionized the way we bring concepts to life.
                                By integrating AI into the development lifecycle, innovators can now accelerate time-to-market, ensure greater accuracy, and create more user-centric applications with ease.
                            <button type="button" class="self-start">
h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Removing the

<VE widget="header:css:demo" data="gradient" /> and adding the gradient text via the tailwindcss configuration file, to make it global

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Nevermind, it ends up becoming too nested, I will keep it the way it is for now and work on something else for the front page. bg-clip-text text-transparent bg-gradient-to-r from-kbve to-kbve-secondary is where I left off for the custom one.

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Now I need to migrate over:

[1] - Navigation/Menu Bar [2] - Footer Menu/Bar [3] - Appwrite Library

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Current Bug: 06:27:51 PM [renderer] /home/h0lybyte/kbve/kbve/packages/react-appwrite/src/lib/react-appwrite.tsx Unable to find a renderer for JSX. Do you have one configured in your Astro config? See this page to learn how: https://docs.astro.build/en/core-concepts/framework-components/#installing-integrations

However the component does render and the build does throw that error but it also does actually build. Upon further breakdown, it looks like
TypeError: styled.div is not a function was thrown a bit earlier.

h0lybyte commented 8 months ago

Moving this to the backlog because we need to finish up some of the backend, including the ability for it to scale.

h0lybyte commented 6 months ago

I tried to run ML Task 3 (- Summarize this PDF - https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/pubs/koopman14_toyota_ua_slides.pdf ) and it seemed to fail during a test case. I am going to keep this in this issue, rather than making a new one because its part of a test case / example / on boarding.

Furthermore, the register function from Astro VE needs to be functional, which I am testing and building out right now.