Robust detection of clinically relevant structural and copy number variation from whole genome sequencing data
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Docker v1.0 #24

Closed J-Bradlee closed 2 years ago

J-Bradlee commented 2 years ago

All the source code and documentation required to run v1.0 of ClinSV, should be on there.

Currently have the docker image on my personal docker hub, I am working on getting it onto CCI's public container registry.

So far the resource file are still on NCI, which has been relatively stable to use. However, I think it would be good to put all the data files on CCI's Azure storage account another thing I will work on.

Also working on getting --reference command to handle reference genomes on the fly. So we can hopefully handle hg19's naming conventions as well.

Would like to create testing framework on CCI servers (most likely as apart of azure) where by I would have 11 different versions (since there are 11 total steps) of the project folder for a sub sampled bam. Where each version has "n" steps complete, so I can easily step test a specific step rather than re-running the whole program to when making changes/debugging.

J-Bradlee commented 2 years ago

Let me know if any of the documentation added is unclear, I have tried to keep the style consistent with v0.9