Robust detection of clinically relevant structural and copy number variation from whole genome sequencing data
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Error (exit status:256) #39

Open tomlodz opened 1 year ago

tomlodz commented 1 year ago


I have a little problem with ClinSV. Both versions on dockers v0.9 and v1.0, after some time from the start of processing, the analysis stops with the following message:

finished after (hh:mm:ss): 00:00:00
exist status: 256

***** error exist status != 0 (256), please check /app/project_folder/SVs/joined/lumpy/sh/lumpy.caller.joined.e for more information

The lumpy.caller.joined.e file says that there is no bam file in the directory. This file should probably be generated during the analysis itself. Below is the content of the file:

export PATH=/app/clinsv/bin:/app/clinsv/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

    declare -A meanArr
    declare -A stdevArr
    declare -A readLArr
    ++ samtools view /app/project_folder/alignments/1.bam/1.bam.bam chr1:1000000-1100000
    ++ cut -f 10
    ++ awk '{ print length}'
    ++ sort -rn
    ++ awk '(NR==1){print}'
    [E::hts_open_format] fail to open file '/app/project_folder/alignments/1.bam/1.bam.bam'
    samtools view: failed to open "/app/project_folder/alignments/1.bam/1.bam.bam" for reading: No such file or directory

Thanks in advance

drmjc commented 1 year ago

Hi, What was the command that you ran, and where are the BAM+BAI files? thanks

tomlodz commented 1 year ago

Command was as follows:


sudo docker run   -v $refdata_path:/app/ref-data   -v $project_folder:/app/project_folder   -v $input_path:/app/input     mrbradley2/clinsv:v1.0 -r all   -i "/app/input/*.bam"   -ref $refdata_path:/app/ref-data/refdata-b38   -p $project_folder:/app/project_folder

File structure was as follows because there was a error "refdata-bX not matching". That structure fix this error.

|   |contains your bam files *.bam
|   |contains your bai files *.bai
|    |
|    └───refdata-b38
|    |     |
|    |     └───refdata-b38
|    |     |       | /all of refdata-b38's content/ 
OlenaMaiakovska commented 1 year ago

I have the exactly same issue..

tomlodz commented 1 year ago

I tried to solve the problem and on the data from the Internet (NA12878_b38.bam) the analysis went without any problems. For me, it seems that the problem was that the line with the sample name and ID was missing in the header in the BAM file. Also the BAM files that were made on the standard HG38 reference sequence would not pass the analysis. BAM files must be mapped to the exact reference ClinSV uses. I made references from ref-data files from the fasta file.

Finally, one note that the bai file must have the extension X.bam.bai If it only has the X.bai extension, the program will not complete the analysis either.