Closed rakhmanu closed 4 years ago
This domain does not have durative actions and therefore standard popf can't solve it. I suggest you try ffha. sudo apt install ros-melodic-ffha
You can see an example on this open PR:
closing for now, feel free to reopen if further issues
Thank you very much for the reply I tried to use FF planner with ffha by following this example. However, it still says that the plan was unsolvable...
The pddl domain and problem from the examples in /ROSPlan/rosplan_planning_system/test/pddl/amazon
Here is the FFplanning launch file :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
And my launch file: <?xml version="1.0"?>
I wanted to use my PDDL domain and constructed PDDL problem manually in ROSPlan. However, when i try to execute rosplan_planner_interface, it says plan was unsolvable. This is my pddl domain (define (domain againd)
(:requirements :strips :negative-preconditions :disjunctive-preconditions)
(:predicates (robot_at ?v ?wp ) (adj ?from ?to ) (obstacle ?wp ) (visited ?wp ) )
(:action goto_waypoint :parameters (?v ?from ?to ) :precondition (and (robot_at ?v ?from) (adj ?from?to) (not (obstacle ?to)) ) :effect ( and
(visited ?to) (not (robot_at ?v ?from)) (robot_at ?v ?to) ) )
And PDDL problem (define (problem task) (:domain againd) (:objects wp0 wp1 wp2 wp3 wp4 wp5 turtlebot ) (:init
) (:goal (and
)) )
When i check PDDL model by VAL parser, there is no error with domain but there are warnings in problem file: Errors: 0, warnings: 4 againp2.pddl: line: 9: Warning: Undeclared symbol: robot_at againp2.pddl: line: 10: Warning: Undeclared symbol: obstacle againp2.pddl: line: 11: Warning: Undeclared symbol: adj againp2.pddl: line: 29: Warning: Undeclared symbol: visited
By the way, my launch file
How i can fix this?