KDAB / GammaRay

GammaRay is a tool to poke around in a Qt-application and also to manipulate the application to some extent.
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GammaRay: Failed to load: ..\gammaray\plugins\gammaray\3.0\qt6_5-GNU-x86_64d\gammaray_probed.dll #959

Open mml-0104 opened 3 months ago

mml-0104 commented 3 months ago

Successfully compile and run the launcher on Windows 10 using Qt6.5.3,but Attach failed. The console has the following prompt: image

There is no error reported on the Self Test page: image

Use default cmake optionals

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="H:/Downloads/gammaray" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="D:/Qt/6.5.3/mingw_64" ../

The system environment variable PATH setting:

C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;D:\Qt\6.5.3\mingw_64\bin;D:\Qt\Tools\CMake_64\bin;D:\Qt\Tools\Ninja;D:\Qt\Tools\mingw1120_64\bin;

kpopv commented 2 months ago

As suggested in #983, I've tried procmon to see where it is failing for me (cf. #960). In my case, gammaray_probed.dll can be found. It fails to access some paths within a target directory (cf. paths.cpp pluginPaths / addPluginPath), but I'm unsure if those are required:

After that, my application is started, bot no GammaRay window is shown.

Attached is the full log 960 procmon.zip

mml-0104 commented 2 months ago

Here is the gammaray.exe process log listened by procmon PM-Logfile.zip

Run program gammaray-launcher first,and launch a test qt program on the launch page image

Same as your comment:

After that, my application is started, bot no GammaRay window is shown.

kpopv commented 2 weeks ago

Building the same sources with MSVC does result in a working GammaRay.