Closed ssooffiiaannee closed 4 years ago
Since you are using C++, did you register the Animation/Logic aspects on your QAspectEngine?
No, I couldn't figure out how to do it. Any suggestions ?
Which window class are you using? Qt3DWindow? Qt3DQuickWindow?
I'm using Qt3DWindow.
.pro -> QT += 3danimation
window.registerAspect(new Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationAspect());
It's still not working, I get a steady image of the object. I instantiated everything as in my working qml example, unless I'm missing something that should be implemented differently in c++. Following is my entire code :
Hmm not sure what is wrong, could you try to check if the status property changes on the AnimationPlayer? A few things to try would be: 1) register the QLogicAspect 2) connect to the statusChanged signal of the GLTF2Importer before setting the clip on the AnimationPlayer
Still no animation. I've added : qt += 3dlogic view->registerAspect(new Qt3DLogic::QLogicAspect()); QObject::connect(animationPlayer, &Kuesa::AnimationPlayer::statusChanged, function); void function() { qDebug() << "status changed" ;} apparently status never changes. I apologize for asking too much, but Could you suggest a very small working prototype containing an animation in c++?, all the examples I come across are qml examples.
I think you forgot to set the sceneEntity on the GLTF2Importer so the animation never makes it into the AnimationCollection of the SceneEntity and therefore the AnimationPlayer doesn't work.
I tried with a small scene and it worked fine for me. Note: I've set the clip on the player only once the scene is loaded, this avoids the player outputting a message about the clip not existing at the time the name is set on it.
`#include <Kuesa/SceneEntity>
using namespace Kuesa;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
Qt3DExtras::Qt3DWindow view;
view.registerAspect(new Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationAspect());
Kuesa::SceneEntity *root = new Kuesa::SceneEntity();
Kuesa::ForwardRenderer *fg = new Kuesa::ForwardRenderer();
Qt3DExtras::QOrbitCameraController *ctrl = new Qt3DExtras::QOrbitCameraController(root);
Kuesa::AnimationPlayer *animation = new Kuesa::AnimationPlayer(root);
Kuesa::GLTF2Importer *importer = new Kuesa::GLTF2Importer(root);
importer->setSource(QUrl("file:///" ASSETS "manual/assets/AnimatedCubes/glTF/AnimatedCubes.gltf"));
QObject::connect(importer, &Kuesa::GLTF2Importer::statusChanged, [&] (Kuesa::GLTF2Importer::Status s){
if (s == Kuesa::GLTF2Importer::Ready) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << s;
QObject::connect(root, &Kuesa::SceneEntity::loadingDone, [&] (){
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
view.resize(1920, 1080);;
return app.exec();
I'll prepare a patch for the next Kuesa release where if the parent provided in the ctor of GLTF2Importer is a SceneEntity, we automatically set it as the sceneEntity
@lemirep Yep, I the sceneEntity of the gltfImporter is exactly what was missing, it worked now. Thank you.
Here are implementations of AnimationPlayer, in qml and c++. The animation in qml works, the rendering works in c++, but not the animation, although these are the same implementation for the same animation with different languages.
The animation is not running in c++.
I suspect the use of Scene3D, in qml, having a scene3D for 3D rendering is mandatory.
I did not implement Scene3D in c++, I could not find It in c++.