KDABLabs / sqlate

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Add 5 more logical operators (<, <=, >, >= and <>) #1

Closed 02JanDal closed 10 years ago

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

These changes add support for the other common logic operators <, <=, >, >= and <> for usage with the select(...).from(...) syntax, and unit tests for them.

krf commented 10 years ago

Can't comment on the contents of the diff, but I'd squash c9cdc47 into ec43325 first. Makes sense?

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

Yes it does, never done that though, and the git documentation didn't really help. Any tips?

krf commented 10 years ago

Well, here's the documentation: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History

In your case, this will probably work: $ git rebase -i HEAD~4 This will open a new editor window with the latest 4 commits. Then change the first column of c9cdc47 from 'pick' to 'fixup'. Save.

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

For being able to push after the rebase I had to pull. This didn't seem to do anything, but added a merge to the commits. Is there some way to work around that, or should I just push now?

krf commented 10 years ago

In theory you'd have to do a force-push after doing the rebase (because you changed the history). Pulling again will fetch the old SHA1s again. If you're unsure how to do it, just leave it. It was more like a recommendation. I'll let others comment on the content now.

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'll just leave it like that then (rather than destroying anything)

amantia commented 10 years ago

Looks ok, but the createtabletest still fails:

2: ***** Start testing of CreateTableTest ***** 2: Config: Using QTest library 4.8.5, Qt 4.8.5 2: PASS : CreateTableTest::initTestCase() 2: FAIL! : CreateTableTest::testSingleCreation() Compared values are not the same 2: Actual (Sql::createTableStatement( Sql::Person )): CREATE TABLE tblPerson ( 2: id UUID PRIMARY KEY, 2: fk_lutPrefix_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES lutPrefix (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, 2: PersonForename VARCHAR(128), 2: PersonSurname VARCHAR(128), 2: PersonSuffix VARCHAR(128), 2: fk_lutPersonGrades_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES lutPersonGrades (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, 2: PersonActive BOOLEAN, 2: HireRights BOOLEAN, 2: UserName VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, 2: Hired TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 2: ) 2: Expected (s): CREATE TABLE tblPerson ( 2: id UUID PRIMARY KEY, 2: fk_lutPrefix_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES lutPrefix (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, 2: PersonForename VARCHAR(128), 2: PersonSurname VARCHAR(128), 2: PersonSuffix VARCHAR(128), 2: fk_lutPersonGrades_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES lutPersonGrades (id) ON DELETE RESTRICT, 2: PersonActive BOOLEAN, 2: HireRights BOOLEAN, 2: UserName VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE, 2: Hired TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE 2: ) 2: Loc: [/encrypted/home/andris/development/kdab/sqlate/tests/createtabletest.cpp(24)]

02JanDal commented 10 years ago

Missed a space in TIMEZONE (should be TIME ZONE), strange, as far as I remember I ran all the unit tests. Fixed now.