KDT-villainlp / villainlp

노블라블라(novelah blah)은 사용자와 AI가 함께 창의적인 이야기를 만들어 나가는 협업 소설 쓰기 경험을 제공하는 앱입니다
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Feat: 꿈의 마당 prompt #33

Closed vmkmym closed 9 months ago

vmkmym commented 10 months ago

프롬프트 엔지니어링 드디어 해본다...

vmkmym commented 10 months ago

4 는 #33 이 되고 나서 Done

vmkmym commented 9 months ago

일반인을 위한 프롬프트 -> 꿈의 마당만 적용하기로 함!

vmkmym commented 9 months ago
 * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.ai.client.generativeai

import android.graphics.Bitmap
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.internal.api.APIController
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.internal.api.CountTokensRequest
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.internal.api.GenerateContentRequest
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.internal.util.toInternal
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.internal.util.toPublic
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.Content
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.CountTokensResponse
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.FinishReason
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.GenerateContentResponse
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.GenerationConfig
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.GoogleGenerativeAIException
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.PromptBlockedException
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.ResponseStoppedException
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.SafetySetting
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.SerializationException
import com.google.ai.client.generativeai.type.content
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.catch
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map

 * A facilitator for a given multimodal model (eg; Gemini).
 * @property modelName name of the model in the backend
 * @property apiKey authentication key for interacting with the backend
 * @property generationConfig configuration parameters to use for content generation
 * @property safetySettings the safety bounds to use during alongside prompts during content
 *   generation
class GenerativeModel
internal constructor(
  val modelName: String,
  val apiKey: String,
  val generationConfig: GenerationConfig? = null,
  val safetySettings: List<SafetySetting>? = null,
  private val controller: APIController
) {

    modelName: String,
    apiKey: String,
    generationConfig: GenerationConfig? = null,
    safetySettings: List<SafetySetting>? = null,
  ) : this(modelName, apiKey, generationConfig, safetySettings, APIController(apiKey, modelName))

   * Generates a response from the backend with the provided [Content]s.
   * @param prompt A group of [Content]s to send to the model.
   * @return A [GenerateContentResponse] after some delay. Function should be called within a
   *   suspend context to properly manage concurrency.
  suspend fun generateContent(vararg prompt: Content): GenerateContentResponse =
    try {
    } catch (e: Throwable) {
      throw GoogleGenerativeAIException.from(e)

   * Generates a streaming response from the backend with the provided [Content]s.
   * @param prompt A group of [Content]s to send to the model.
   * @return A [Flow] which will emit responses as they are returned from the model.
  fun generateContentStream(vararg prompt: Content): Flow<GenerateContentResponse> =
      .map { it.toPublic().validate() }
      .catch { throw GoogleGenerativeAIException.from(it) }

   * Generates a response from the backend with the provided text represented [Content].
   * @param prompt The text to be converted into a single piece of [Content] to send to the model.
   * @return A [GenerateContentResponse] after some delay. Function should be called within a
   *   suspend context to properly manage concurrency.
  suspend fun generateContent(prompt: String): GenerateContentResponse =
    generateContent(content { text(prompt) })

   * Generates a streaming response from the backend with the provided text represented [Content].
   * @param prompt The text to be converted into a single piece of [Content] to send to the model.
   * @return A [Flow] which will emit responses as they are returned from the model.
  fun generateContentStream(prompt: String): Flow<GenerateContentResponse> =
    generateContentStream(content { text(prompt) })

   * Generates a response from the backend with the provided bitmap represented [Content].
   * @param prompt The bitmap to be converted into a single piece of [Content] to send to the model.
   * @return A [GenerateContentResponse] after some delay. Function should be called within a
   *   suspend context to properly manage concurrency.
  suspend fun generateContent(prompt: Bitmap): GenerateContentResponse =
    generateContent(content { image(prompt) })

   * Generates a streaming response from the backend with the provided bitmap represented [Content].
   * @param prompt The bitmap to be converted into a single piece of [Content] to send to the model.
   * @return A [Flow] which will emit responses as they are returned from the model.
  fun generateContentStream(prompt: Bitmap): Flow<GenerateContentResponse> =
    generateContentStream(content { image(prompt) })

  /** Creates a chat instance which internally tracks the ongoing conversation with the model */
  fun startChat(history: List<Content> = emptyList()): Chat = Chat(this, history.toMutableList())

   * Counts the number of tokens used in a prompt.
   * @param prompt A group of [Content]s to count tokens of.
   * @return A [CountTokensResponse] containing the number of tokens in the prompt.
  suspend fun countTokens(vararg prompt: Content): CountTokensResponse {
    return controller.countTokens(constructCountTokensRequest(*prompt)).toPublic()

   * Counts the number of tokens used in a prompt.
   * @param prompt The text to be converted to a single piece of [Content] to count the tokens of.
   * @return A [CountTokensResponse] containing the number of tokens in the prompt.
  suspend fun countTokens(prompt: String): CountTokensResponse {
    return countTokens(content { text(prompt) })

   * Counts the number of tokens used in a prompt.
   * @param prompt The image to be converted to a single piece of [Content] to count the tokens of.
   * @return A [CountTokensResponse] containing the number of tokens in the prompt.
  suspend fun countTokens(prompt: Bitmap): CountTokensResponse {
    return countTokens(content { image(prompt) })

  private fun constructRequest(vararg prompt: Content) =
      prompt.map { it.toInternal() },
      safetySettings?.map { it.toInternal() },

  private fun constructCountTokensRequest(vararg prompt: Content) =
    CountTokensRequest(modelName, prompt.map { it.toInternal() })

  private fun GenerateContentResponse.validate() = apply {
    if (candidates.isEmpty() && promptFeedback == null) {
      throw SerializationException("Error deserializing response, found no valid fields")
    promptFeedback?.blockReason?.let { throw PromptBlockedException(this) }
      .mapNotNull { it.finishReason }
      .firstOrNull { it != FinishReason.STOP }
      ?.let { throw ResponseStoppedException(this) }