KDhieb / cpsc-455-project

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Scrum Report - Workshop 3 #17

Open JeromeTing opened 1 year ago

JeromeTing commented 1 year ago

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

Include your CSID in your post.

JeromeTing commented 1 year ago

**Scrum Report (Jerome Ting - CSID: k3a0b)

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?**

I primarily worked on the 'About' page along with the about us cards (which followed the theme of playing music but using the interactive UI to move through slides). I also worked on the initial set-up (although this was iterated on by the other members) as well as the navigation bar.

  1. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

The primary issues were styling issues for me within the about page (such as conflicting global themes and specific themes to be compatible). Since we all decided on MUI, understanding how that works (such as sx or themes) and combining components were the most difficult. This ultimately led to some refactoring such as creating a general theme for the entire application.

  1. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

We're planning on setting up the back-end and hooking up the Spotify API so we can search songs which is one of our minimal requirements. This will also include hooking up other components that are in our standard requirements using the backend (like scoreboard, search, likes/favourites etc).

rrichc commented 1 year ago

Scrum Update - Richard Chen (n4z2o)

1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I primarily worked on the recommended song component, the list component displaying the songs that would be recommended by our future ML model. This component was later used as a base and abstracted into SongResult, which is used for displaying both searched songs from Spotify and recommend songs from our app.

2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I believe our main challenge from a UX standpoint was deciding on how we would display our song search results, then allow for the users to select a song from the results to facilitate recommendations. This lead to our combining of both functions to a single re-usable component called SongResult used to display search results and recommended song results.

3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? Our main focus will be to create the base of our back-end server and enable the connection of said back-end to the Spotify API, and then create REST endpoints so our front-end can communicate with our backend to get those Spotify song search results.

Parmvir-S commented 1 year ago

Scrum Update - Parmvir Shergill (CSID: q3l6c)

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I built out the Scoreboard and ScoreboardSongCard components. The main purpose of these components is to display the most liked songs in our application in a table/grid. I also did some minor refactoring/restructuring of the project folder structure.

  2. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I originally designed the scoreboard page completely from scratch using vanilla CSS and did not use Material UI. This posed a challenge as it would have been extremely challenging to maintain consistent styling across the entire app. So I refactored those components to make better use of Material UI.

  3. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? In the upcoming iteration, I plan on hooking up the scoreboard component to the backend and implementing pagination so that all of the liked songs aren’t rendered on the same page. I will also help with the Spotify integration and continue researching machine learning concepts.

aalchen commented 1 year ago

Amy Chen (c9p6e)

  1. What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)?

I built the basic Search component which Khalid later added a lot of functionality to, and also added the basic structure for redux (and redux toolkit) in place for when we implement our backend. I used Material UI components for consistency, and I also did some overall styling changes to ensure consistency between pages and improve readability.

  1. What were any major issues/challenges you ran into?

An issue I ran into is dealing and learning how to use Material UI to perform more fine-tuned styling adjustments, and I had to work through MUI documentation to help resolve this.

  1. What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)?

I plan to do further research on ML implementations of a potential recommendation engine and what it may entail, as well as work on the actual backend Spotify API integration so that it properly searches and returns results from the API (instead of just dummy data)

KDhieb commented 1 year ago

Scrum Report Update - Khalid Dhieb (h2w7b)

What did you work on this past iteration (2 weeks)? I worked on implementing frontend features and fixing up the styling. Specially, I built the Globally Searched carousel component and the PlayableAlbumCover component (including it's redux state), improving the Search functionality and adding a skeleton loading screen for the search results, as well as making the logo and favicons. I also touched upon the styling throughout the entire app.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? A challenge was figuring out a way to dynamically resize the carousel component based on the screen width to avoid wrapping.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration (2 weeks)? I plan on working on the backend logic to integrate the Spotify API, and possibly begin working on the machine learning recommendation algorithm.