KDot227 / SomalifuscatorV2

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made a bios checker, u need to implement a point system, because some of the checks are just for suspicion #41

Closed Mustwey closed 1 year ago

Mustwey commented 1 year ago
powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "function Get-Entropy{param([string]`$inputString);`$frequencyTable=@{};`$stringLength=`$inputString.Length;foreach(`$char in `$inputString.ToCharArray()){if(`$frequencyTable.ContainsKey(`$char)){`$frequencyTable[`$char]++}else{`$frequencyTable[`$char]=1}};`$entropy=0;foreach(`$value in `$frequencyTable.Values){`$frequency=`$value/`$stringLength;`$entropy-=`$frequency*[Math]::Log(`$frequency,2)};return `$entropy};`$bios=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS;`$computer=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem;`$vm_bios_list=@('VMware, Inc.','Xen','VirtualBox','QEMU','Microsoft Corporation','KVM','Bochs','Parallels','Oracle VM VirtualBox','Red Hat','SeaBIOS','innotek GmbH','Amazon EC2','Hyper-V','Citrix','Virtuozzo','bhyve','Nutanix','Proxmox','Virtual Iron','VMware7,1','Virtual Machine');`$suspicious_bios_list=@('Default','To be filled by O.E.M.','Not available','Unknown','System manufacturer','TBD by OEM','O.E.M.','OEM','N/A','Not Specified','System Product Name','System','System Version','OEM Manufacturer','OEM Product','OEM Serial');`$suspicious_versions=@('VRTUAL - 1', 'INTEL - 1', 'A M I - 9000906','Phoenix Technologies LTD','Award Software, Inc.','AMI BIOS','Insyde Software','Laptop','Desktop','Tablet');`$suspicious_dates=@('01/01/2000', '02/02/2002','01/01/1970','12/31/1999','01/02/2000','01/01/2010','01/01/2015');if(`$null -eq `$bios -or `$null -eq `$computer){Write-Host 'WMI Query Failed. Possible attempt to hide VM.';exit 1};if(`$bios.Manufacturer -ne `$computer.Manufacturer){Write-Host 'Inconsistent BIOS and System Manufacturer. Possible attempt to hide VM.';exit 1};if(`$vm_bios_list -contains `$bios.Manufacturer -or `$suspicious_versions -contains `$bios.BIOSVersion -or `$suspicious_dates -contains `$bios.ReleaseDate){Write-Host ('Virtual Machine Detected. BIOS Information: '+`$bios.Manufacturer+' '+`$bios.BIOSVersion+' '+`$bios.ReleaseDate);exit 1};if(`$suspicious_bios_list -contains `$bios.Manufacturer){Write-Host ('Suspicious BIOS Manufacturer Detected. BIOS Manufacturer: '+`$bios.Manufacturer);exit 1};`$entropy=Get-Entropy -inputString `$bios.SerialNumber;if(`$entropy -lt 1){Write-Host 'Low Entropy Detected in BIOS Serial Number. Possible attempt to hide VM.';exit 1};if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(`$bios.Manufacturer) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty(`$bios.BIOSVersion) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty(`$bios.ReleaseDate)){Write-Host 'Missing BIOS Information. Possible attempt to hide VM.';exit 1}else{Write-Host ('No Virtual Machine Detected. BIOS Information: '+`$bios.Manufacturer+' '+`$bios.BIOSVersion+' '+`$bios.ReleaseDate);exit 0}"
Mustwey commented 1 year ago
KDot227 commented 1 year ago

bro blessed up. I'll have to change all the printed code but as long as it obfuscates below 4k chars I'll use it. thx fr 😭

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

remember to update the datasets(im sure websites give u lists of vms) and implement a point based approach

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

remember to update the datasets and implement a point based approach

ik of a virus total and vm db that could do that too. I think I had it implemented somewhere but it was breaking itself so I removed it.

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

virus total? can u elaborate, i might be able to help

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

virus total? can u elaborate, i might be able to help


some things can't be used since some of the vms use the same processors and have the same names as other people but this would make it a lot easier to compress since all you would have to do is make a request then check.

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

those are JUST the virus total virtual machines but what you sent would help a lot too if I combined.

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

if u want il make checker for network adapters, processer and drives, but tbh this bios checker is pretty good

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

virus total? can u elaborate, i might be able to help


some things can't be used since some of the vms use the same processors and have the same names as other people but this would make it a lot easier to compress since all you would have to do is make a request then check.

if the amount of matches between vms and normal people are small, why not just make a point based system for that too?

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

virus total? can u elaborate, i might be able to help

https://github.com/6nz/virustotal-vm-blacklist some things can't be used since some of the vms use the same processors and have the same names as other people but this would make it a lot easier to compress since all you would have to do is make a request then check.

if the amount of matches between vms and normal people are small, why not just make a point based system for that too?

because if you have definite things like the word "Virtual Machine" in their system info or "Hyper-V" it overrules everything but if you think a point system is better give me some reasons.

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

a point based system is much better because u can use basically anything suspicious in the slightest allowing for much more functionality, u can take stuff like amount of processors or how much ram the user have, which dont exactly say if they are on a vm, but if they have a suspicious amount of ram, processors and space, then its obvious they are a vm

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

a point based system is much better because u can use basically anything suspicious in the slightest allowing for much more functionality, u can take stuff like amount of processors or how much ram the user have, which dont exactly say if they are on a vm, but if they have a suspicious amount of ram, processors and space, then its obvious they are a vm

I can see what your talking about. Are you supposed to treat it as a normal point system as in ram check fail = 50 points, etc?

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

yes, plus anything that definitely says its a vm, is usually messed with or hidden

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

yes, plus anything that definitely says its a vm, is usually messed with or hidden

got it. I'll try and add it tonight.

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

discord link? pls

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

discord link? pls

kdot_227. There is no server

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

im sick of getting banned

Mustwey commented 1 year ago

btw i did update the code, while we were talking, make sure to use the updated one

KDot227 commented 1 year ago

adding today