KENZO666888 / MY472-final-assignment

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Peer Review Feedback #1

Open edluyuan opened 5 months ago

edluyuan commented 5 months ago

Hi KENZO666888,

I have made a feedback for your report. Please note that the report according to the requirement should be no longer than 750 words and your report is more than 1500 words long. I have gone through the whole report but the policy in methodology is they will stop marking at the 750 limit.

PEER REVIEW FEEDBACK: Word Count: 247 words

Substance: Overall good report. The report provides a clear analysis of biases in UK police stop and search practices, including factors like race, gender, and age, and highlights variations among authorities. It offers an insightful look at police activity, two minor point is first you should check for completeness of your data, as not all authority submitted their records, secondly the presentation of the raw data set could be simplified. Visualisation: the report's clarity could be improved with narrative analysis accompanying each figure, avoiding pie charts for more accurate alternatives like bar or lollipop plots. Additionally, employing the geom_text_repel() function could declutter GIS visualisations, and adopting colourblind-friendly palettes would make the report more inclusive. And finally try to avoid using the same colour plate for age range, gender, and race. Analysis is thorough, capturing all variables of interest with commendable creative insights into daily police activity patterns. However, considering population activity patterns may provide a more nuanced understanding of the data, especially when exploring how different times of day and lighting conditions might affect racial profiling.

Code: Good code, although runtime was long with the API loop. For instance, the loop for data collection might be optimised using vectorised operations or parallel processing. Error handling could be more robust to manage potential data retrieval issues. All Figures can be trace back with variable and dataframes clearly named. ReadMe was informative for understanding project contents and structure. Visualisations could improve by the method mentioned previously. Overall a good work!

KENZO666888 commented 5 months ago

Hi,my friend!Thank you for your suggestion. I would like to respond to my report. All sentences marked with an asterisk (*) and those within parentheses are meant as annotations to the article and are not considered part of the main content. I did not count them in the 750-word limit. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused you.