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Blank page after Login after database backup & restore #31

Closed nfsecurity closed 8 years ago

nfsecurity commented 8 years ago

Hello Casebox Team:

I was testing my backup & restore procedure with Casebox in my Linux system. First, I did a database removal (drop database cb__casebox and cd_nfsec) and then I did a mysql procedure to upload the dumped databases. All occurred normally, I did this type of procedures before with another sites.

Next to the restore, I tried to login in my Casebox and surprise: I had a blank page after the login process (I have two step verification enabled).

No error log under the logs directory files. The only logs that I have are the query.log file from MariaDB and the ssl_access: - - [13/Dec/2015:07:32:16 +0100] "POST /nfsec/login/auth/ HTTP/1.1" 500 -

151213 7:13:24 42 Connect cb@localhost as anonymous on 42 Query SET NAMES utf8 42 Query SET @@session.time_zone = "+00:00" 42 Query SELECT id FROM cb__casebox.cores WHERE name = 'nfsec' 42 Query SELECT FROM cb__casebox.cores WHERE id = '9' 42 Query USE cb_nfsec 42 Query SET NAMES utf8 42 Query SET @@session.time_zone = "+00:00" 42 Query SELECT FROM cb__casebox.config 42 Query SELECT id FROM cb__casebox.cores WHERE name = 'nfsec' 42 Query SELECT FROM cb__casebox.cores WHERE id = '9' 42 Query SELECT FROM config ORDER BY pid, order 42 Query SELECT id FROM templates WHERE type = 'shortcut' ORDER BY id 42 Query SELECT FROM sessions WHERE id = 'h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2' AND ( (expires > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR (expires IS NULL) ) 42 Query SELECT name, en FROM cb__casebox.translations WHERE type < 2 42 Query SELECT FROM translations WHERE type < 2 42 Query CALL p_user_login('root', 'XXXXXXXXXX', '||') 42 Query UPDATE sessions SET expires = TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, 3, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) WHERE ( (id = 'h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2') OR (pid = 'h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2') ) and id <> 'h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2' 42 Query INSERT INTO sessions (id, pid, expires, user_id, data) VALUES('h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2', 'h7k6ddq8r560a767fdpq2nlhj2', TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, '259200', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '0', '') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE expires = TIMESTAMPADD(SECOND, '259200', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ,last_action = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ,user_id = '0' ,data = '' 42 Query DELETE FROM sessions WHERE (expires < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR (last_action < TIMESTAMPADD( DAY, -3, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) 42 Quit

I'm lost :( Can you help me ?, thank you so much.

nfsecurity commented 8 years ago

I just change in php.ini display_errors = Off to On and then the browser is showing:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Query error (cb_nfsec)' in /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/lib/DB.php:203 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/classes/CB/DataModel/Users.php(258): CB\DB\dbQueryError() #1 /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/classes/CB/User.php(25): CB\DataModel\Users::auth('root', 'XXXXXXX', '||') #2 /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/auth.php(63): CB\User::login('root', 'XXXXXXX') #3 /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/index.php(32): include('/var/www/casebo...') #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/casebox/httpsdocs/lib/DB.php on line 203

Any idea ?

nfsecurity commented 8 years ago

I solve the problem myself: missing functions and procedures from Casebox dump databases in my backup procedure :(