KGConf / BookClub-Designing-BuildingEnterpriseKG

This is the Github Repository for the Knowledge Graph Conference Book Club around the book " Designing and Building Enterprise Knowledge Graphs: Synthesis Lectures on Data, Semantics, and Knowledge" with Juan Sequeda and Ora Lassila
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What form the business terminology mappings take? #1

Closed msesboue closed 2 years ago

msesboue commented 2 years ago

Page 10, in section 1.2.2, first paragraph, you mention "This is accomplished by connecting the data consumers’ business terminology with data, and enabling access of the data through this terminology".

In practice, what form does this terminology take? JSON, CSV, rdfs:labels ... ? In particular, how do you deal with business terminology in various languages?

msesboue commented 2 years ago

discusses during session 6 after 20 minutes