KGQA / QALD_9_plus

QALD-9-Plus Dataset for Knowledge Graph Question Answering
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Any suggestions on how to use QALD_9_Plus on a domain-specific corpus? #4

Open KMstealth opened 2 years ago

KMstealth commented 2 years ago

If I had a knowledge corpus, how could I use qald9+ for question and answering on that corpus?

RicardoUsbeck commented 2 years ago

QALD-9-plus is a training and test corpus. That is, you need a knowledge graph/base question answering system that you then train using QALD-9-plus and apply the trained system to your knowledge graph.

However, I do not know what a knowledge corpus is.

Perevalov commented 2 years ago

If I had a knowledge corpus, how could I use qald9+ for question and answering on that corpus?

Do you mean a knowledge graph instead of knowledge corpus? For example, QALD-9-plus works with general domain DBpedia and Wikidata knowledge graphs. If yes, you need to get familiar with the endpoints:

You may use this dataset as a reference for creating your own for a particular domain