Closed KHikami closed 8 years ago
Probably check out in gdz: "gwb.a((Runnable) this, (long) gwb.a(this.a, "babel_network_selection_state_fetch_timeout_millis", 1000));" (it's part of the constructor of it and it runs everything till all cells and ping are complete)
Nope... doesn't initialize it but does check if it holds something...
Possible check in gdz: "this.c = new guj(this.a).a(hat.b).b();" and all of it's related complicated-ness?
Nope. icb initializes on App Start. It's actually using a Content Observer which is sensitive to the context passed in. So anytime Context changes => Content Resolver changes => custom Content Observer (icd) will update icb with the new query values on the new Content Resolver
What initializes the method of icb? The map for picking the threshold is initialized somewhere but the issue is where :/ icb is later used by biz (subclass of biw) which is then used by gwb to calculate thresholds in the threshold calculator object