KJCracks / Clutch

Fast iOS executable dumper
3.69k stars 647 forks source link

Failed to dump Twitter #189

Open yuchuanfeng opened 7 years ago

yuchuanfeng commented 7 years ago
iPhone:~ root# Clutch -b  2
2017-07-10 19:18:42.044 Clutch[3589:812228] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Zipping Twitter.app
ASLR slide: 0x100050000
Dumping <ShareExtension> (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
ASLR slide: 0x1000a8000
Dumping <Twitter> (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
ASLR slide: 0x100030000
Dumping <Twitter WatchKit Extension> (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNotificationServiceExtension> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:42.817 Clutch[3589:812277] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:42.817 Clutch[3589:812277] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545643c0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545643c0'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNotificationServiceExtension>

2017-07-10 19:18:42.818 Clutch[3589:812277] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:42.818 Clutch[3589:812277] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545643c0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545643c0'}
Writing new checksum
2017-07-10 19:18:43.028 clutch[3595:812286] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.028 clutch[3594:812285] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <TFSAuth> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.050 clutch[3596:812287] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TFSAuth!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSAuth> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.079 Clutch[3589:812254] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.079 Clutch[3589:812254] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454ff20>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454ff20'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSAuth>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.079 Clutch[3589:812254] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.079 Clutch[3589:812254] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454ff20>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454ff20'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.076 clutch[3597:812288] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <TwitterNetworkLayer> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.120 clutch[3598:812299] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <TwitterText> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.132 clutch[3599:812300] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TwitterText!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterText> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.152 Clutch[3589:812269] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.153 Clutch[3589:812269] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ac2b0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ac2b0'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterNetworkLayer!
Dumping <JBChartView> arm64
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNetworkLayer> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.159 Clutch[3589:812268] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.159 Clutch[3589:812268] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ab580>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ab580'}
Dumping <TwitterLoggingService> arm64
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterText>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.161 Clutch[3589:812269] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.161 Clutch[3589:812269] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ac2b0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ac2b0'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNetworkLayer>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.161 Clutch[3589:812268] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.162 Clutch[3589:812268] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ab580>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ab580'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.154 clutch[3600:812301] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLoggingService!
2017-07-10 19:18:43.166 clutch[3601:812302] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework JBChartView!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterLoggingService> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.171 Clutch[3589:812266] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.171 Clutch[3589:812266] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a9c70>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a9c70'}
Dumping <SuperResolution> arm64
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <JBChartView> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.176 Clutch[3589:812247] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.176 Clutch[3589:812247] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154541e40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154541e40'}
Dumping <AgileBits> arm64
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterLoggingService>

Error: Failed to dump <JBChartView>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.184 Clutch[3589:812266] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.184 Clutch[3589:812266] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a9c70>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a9c70'}
Dumping <TwitterAVCore> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.184 Clutch[3589:812247] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.185 Clutch[3589:812247] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154541e40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154541e40'}
Successfully dumped framework AgileBits!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <AgileBits> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.194 Clutch[3589:812245] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.194 Clutch[3589:812245] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154553c80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154553c80'}
Error: Failed to dump <AgileBits>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.195 Clutch[3589:812245] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.195 Clutch[3589:812245] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154553c80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154553c80'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.222 clutch[3602:812304] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TwitterAVCore!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterAVCore> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.229 Clutch[3589:812262] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.229 Clutch[3589:812262] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459fd80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459fd80'}
Successfully dumped framework SuperResolution!
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterAVCore>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.232 Clutch[3589:812262] failed operation :(
Dumping <ZipUtilities> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.232 Clutch[3589:812262] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459fd80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459fd80'}
Successfully dumped framework ZipUtilities!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <ZipUtilities> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.250 Clutch[3589:812273] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.251 Clutch[3589:812273] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a8f30>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a8f30'}
Error: Failed to dump <ZipUtilities>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.251 Clutch[3589:812273] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.252 Clutch[3589:812273] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a8f30>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a8f30'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.255 clutch[3603:812305] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.265 clutch[3604:812306] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <SuperResolution> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.277 Clutch[3589:812250] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.278 Clutch[3589:812250] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154574ac0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154574ac0'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.279 clutch[3603:812305] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TFSTwitterAPI> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterAPI!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSTwitterAPI> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.289 Clutch[3589:812259] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.289 Clutch[3589:812259] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459c620>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459c620'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.290 clutch[3604:812306] just setting up my twttr
Error: Failed to dump <TFSTwitterAPI>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.292 Clutch[3589:812259] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.292 Clutch[3589:812259] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459c620>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459c620'}
Error: Failed to dump <SuperResolution>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.293 Clutch[3589:812250] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.293 Clutch[3589:812250] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154574ac0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154574ac0'}
Dumping <TwitterExtensionKit> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterExtensionKit!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterExtensionKit> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.308 Clutch[3589:812263] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.308 Clutch[3589:812263] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a7c40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a7c40'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterExtensionKit>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.309 Clutch[3589:812263] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.309 Clutch[3589:812263] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545a7c40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545a7c40'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.305 clutch[3605:812307] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.320 clutch[3606:812308] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <SocketRocket> arm64
Successfully dumped framework SocketRocket!
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNotificationContentExtension> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.340 Clutch[3589:812276] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.340 Clutch[3589:812276] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154600c70>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154600c70'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterNotificationContentExtension>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.341 Clutch[3589:812276] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.341 Clutch[3589:812276] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154600c70>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154600c70'}
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <SocketRocket> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.345 Clutch[3589:812249] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.345 Clutch[3589:812249] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154573c40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154573c40'}
Error: Failed to dump <SocketRocket>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.345 Clutch[3589:812249] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.345 Clutch[3589:812249] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154573c40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154573c40'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.348 clutch[3608:812310] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.340 clutch[3607:812309] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.356 clutch[3609:812311] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.366 clutch[3608:812310] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TFSLocalizedResources> arm64
Dumping <FastImageCache> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.377 clutch[3611:812313] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework FastImageCache!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <FastImageCache> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.392 Clutch[3589:812246] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.392 Clutch[3589:812246] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154547990>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154547990'}
Error: Failed to dump <FastImageCache>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.393 Clutch[3589:812246] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.393 Clutch[3589:812246] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154547990>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154547990'}
Dumping <TwitterImagePipeline> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.397 clutch[3612:812314] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TFSLocalizedResources!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSLocalizedResources> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.415 Clutch[3589:812256] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.415 Clutch[3589:812256] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459a5e0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459a5e0'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSLocalizedResources>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.415 Clutch[3589:812256] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.415 Clutch[3589:812256] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459a5e0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459a5e0'}
Dumping <YOLayout> arm64
Successfully dumped framework YOLayout!
2017-07-10 19:18:43.417 clutch[3613:812315] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <YOLayout> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.432 Clutch[3589:812272] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.432 Clutch[3589:812272] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545af030>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545af030'}
Error: Failed to dump <YOLayout>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.432 Clutch[3589:812272] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.432 Clutch[3589:812272] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545af030>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545af030'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.437 clutch[3614:812317] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.441 clutch[3615:812318] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.448 clutch[3616:812319] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <TFSScribe> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSScribe!
Dumping <TwitterMotionGraphics> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.459 clutch[3617:812320] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSScribe> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.463 Clutch[3589:812258] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.463 Clutch[3589:812258] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454fb80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454fb80'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSScribe>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.463 Clutch[3589:812258] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.463 Clutch[3589:812258] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454fb80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454fb80'}
Dumping <AVRKit> arm64
Successfully dumped framework AVRKit!
Dumping <pop> arm64
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <AVRKit> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.484 Clutch[3589:812244] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.484 Clutch[3589:812244] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15453f110>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15453f110'}
Error: Failed to dump <AVRKit>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.484 Clutch[3589:812244] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.484 Clutch[3589:812244] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15453f110>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15453f110'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterMotionGraphics!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterMotionGraphics> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.494 Clutch[3589:812267] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.494 Clutch[3589:812267] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545aab80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545aab80'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterMotionGraphics>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.495 Clutch[3589:812267] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.495 Clutch[3589:812267] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545aab80>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545aab80'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.497 clutch[3618:812321] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:43.510 clutch[3618:812321] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TFSFeatureSwitches> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.512 clutch[3619:812322] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework pop!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <pop> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.522 Clutch[3589:812274] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.522 Clutch[3589:812274] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545b54a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545b54a0'}
Error: Failed to dump <pop>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.522 Clutch[3589:812274] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.522 Clutch[3589:812274] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545b54a0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545b54a0'}
Successfully dumped framework TFSFeatureSwitches!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSFeatureSwitches> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.528 Clutch[3589:812255] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.529 Clutch[3589:812255] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459be40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459be40'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSFeatureSwitches>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.529 Clutch[3589:812255] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.529 Clutch[3589:812255] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459be40>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459be40'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.531 clutch[3620:812323] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <TFSAPI> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.534 clutch[3607:812309] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework TFSAPI!
Dumping <TFSModel> arm64
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSAPI> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.562 Clutch[3589:812253] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.562 Clutch[3589:812253] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454fd90>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454fd90'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSAPI>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.563 Clutch[3589:812253] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.563 Clutch[3589:812253] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15454fd90>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15454fd90'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.572 clutch[3619:812322] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-10 19:18:43.556 clutch[3613:812315] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TwitterLivePipeline> arm64
Dumping <TwitterWatchServicesKit> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:43.590 clutch[3621:812324] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TwitterImagePipeline!
2017-07-10 19:18:43.607 clutch[3621:812324] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TFSUtilities> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLivePipeline!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterImagePipeline> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.613 Clutch[3589:812264] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.613 Clutch[3589:812264] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154550ec0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154550ec0'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterImagePipeline>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.613 Clutch[3589:812264] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.613 Clutch[3589:812264] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154550ec0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154550ec0'}
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterLivePipeline> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.617 Clutch[3589:812265] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.617 Clutch[3589:812265] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459be20>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459be20'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterLivePipeline>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.617 Clutch[3589:812265] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.617 Clutch[3589:812265] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x15459be20>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15459be20'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.620 clutch[3620:812323] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework TFSModel!
Dumping <TwitterWatchUI> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchServicesKit!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterWatchServicesKit> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.682 Clutch[3589:812270] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.682 Clutch[3589:812270] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ae150>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ae150'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterWatchServicesKit>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.683 Clutch[3589:812270] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.683 Clutch[3589:812270] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x1545ae150>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x1545ae150'}
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSModel> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.715 Clutch[3589:812257] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.715 Clutch[3589:812257] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154595240>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154595240'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSModel>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.715 Clutch[3589:812257] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.715 Clutch[3589:812257] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154595240>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154595240'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchUI!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterWatchUI> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.789 Clutch[3589:812271] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.790 Clutch[3589:812271] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154585400>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154585400'}
Error: Failed to dump <TwitterWatchUI>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.790 Clutch[3589:812271] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.790 Clutch[3589:812271] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154585400>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154585400'}
Successfully dumped framework TFSUtilities!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSUtilities> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:43.809 Clutch[3589:812261] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.809 Clutch[3589:812261] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154550a10>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154550a10'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSUtilities>

2017-07-10 19:18:43.810 Clutch[3589:812261] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:43.810 Clutch[3589:812261] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154550a10>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154550a10'}
2017-07-10 19:18:43.923 clutch[3622:812325] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Error: Failed to dlopen /var/containers/Bundle/Application/53C9E67E-BB0E-4ECE-ADD7-3F14EE1AB475/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI dlopen(/var/containers/Bundle/Application/53C9E67E-BB0E-4ECE-ADD7-3F14EE1AB475/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI, 1): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_Crashlytics
  Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/53C9E67E-BB0E-4ECE-ADD7-3F14EE1AB475/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /var/containers/Bundle/Application/53C9E67E-BB0E-4ECE-ADD7-3F14EE1AB475/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI

Failed to dump framework TFNUI :(
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-10 19:18:43.983 clutch[3623:812326] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:44.013 clutch[3623:812326] just setting up my twttr
Dumping <TFSTwitterCore> arm64
2017-07-10 19:18:44.055 clutch[3624:812327] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping <PeriscopeViewer> arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterCore!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <TFSTwitterCore> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:44.716 Clutch[3589:812260] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:44.717 Clutch[3589:812260] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154585060>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154585060'}
Error: Failed to dump <TFSTwitterCore>

2017-07-10 19:18:44.717 Clutch[3589:812260] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:44.717 Clutch[3589:812260] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154585060>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154585060'}
Successfully dumped framework PeriscopeViewer!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <PeriscopeViewer> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:44.821 Clutch[3589:812248] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:44.821 Clutch[3589:812248] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154569ac0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154569ac0'}
Error: Failed to dump <PeriscopeViewer>

2017-07-10 19:18:44.821 Clutch[3589:812248] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:44.821 Clutch[3589:812248] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154569ac0>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154569ac0'}
Zipping AVRKit.framework
Zipping AgileBits.framework
Zipping FastImageCache.framework
Zipping JBChartView.framework
Zipping PeriscopeViewer.framework
2017-07-10 19:18:45.260 clutch[3625:812339] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-10 19:18:45.481 clutch[3625:812339] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-10 19:18:45.505 clutch[3625:812339] +[T1AppDelegate load]
Dumping <T1Twitter> arm64
Zipping SocketRocket.framework
Zipping SuperResolution.framework
Zipping T1Twitter.framework
Zipping TFNUI.framework
Zipping TFSAPI.framework
Zipping TFSAuth.framework
Zipping TFSFeatureSwitches.framework
Zipping TFSLocalizedResources.framework
Successfully dumped framework T1Twitter!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump <T1Twitter> with arch arm64

2017-07-10 19:18:47.427 Clutch[3589:812251] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:47.427 Clutch[3589:812251] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154575540>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154575540'}
Error: Failed to dump <T1Twitter>

2017-07-10 19:18:47.428 Clutch[3589:812251] failed operation :(
2017-07-10 19:18:47.428 Clutch[3589:812251] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x154575540>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x154575540'}
Zipping TFSModel.framework
Zipping TFSScribe.framework
Zipping TFSTwitterAPI.framework
Zipping TFSTwitterCore.framework
Zipping TFSUtilities.framework
Zipping TwitterAVCore.framework
Zipping TwitterExtensionKit.framework
Zipping TwitterImagePipeline.framework
Zipping TwitterLivePipeline.framework
Zipping TwitterLoggingService.framework
Zipping TwitterMotionGraphics.framework
Zipping TwitterNetworkLayer.framework
Zipping TwitterText.framework
Zipping TwitterWatchServicesKit.framework
Zipping TwitterWatchUI.framework
Zipping YOLayout.framework
Zipping ZipUtilities.framework
Zipping pop.framework
Zipping ShareExtension.appex
Zipping Twitter WatchKit Extension.appex
Zipping TwitterNotificationContentExtension.appex
Zipping TwitterNotificationServiceExtension.appex
FAILED: <Twitter bundleID: com.atebits.Tweetie2>
Finished dumping com.atebits.Tweetie2 in 7.1 seconds
iPhone:~ root# 
Tatsh commented 7 years ago

I do not own a 9.3.1 device to test with. Anyone else have one? @ttwj @NinjaLikesCheez

stek29 commented 7 years ago

Can't dump Twitter 7.2.2 on iOS 9.3.3 with 2.0.4 DEBUG

iPod:/var/mobile root# ./Clutch --version
Clutch: version 2.0.4 DEBUG
iPod:/var/mobile root# ./Clutch -b com.atebits.Tweetie2
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 00:11:22.917 Clutch[2371:71918] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:22.920 Clutch[2371:71918] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f4eca0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 00:11:22.923 Clutch[2371:71918] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:22.924 Clutch[2371:71918] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f4eca0'}
ASLR slide: 0x100028000
Dumping  (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
ASLR slide: 0x1000c0000
Dumping  (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 00:11:23.396 Clutch[2371:71920] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:23.396 Clutch[2371:71920] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f4e410'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 00:11:23.396 Clutch[2371:71920] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:23.396 Clutch[2371:71920] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f4e410'}
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 00:11:23.405 Clutch[2371:71919] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:23.405 Clutch[2371:71919] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f50800'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 00:11:23.405 Clutch[2371:71919] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:23.405 Clutch[2371:71919] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f50800'}
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLoggingService!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TwitterAVCore!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:24.326 clutch[2381:71940] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-14 00:11:24.338 clutch[2380:71939] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSLocalizedResources!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSModel!
Dumping  arm64
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework FastImageCache!
Successfully dumped framework TFSAPI!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 00:11:24.824 clutch[2384:71947] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-14 00:11:24.872 clutch[2393:71957] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework JBChartView!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSScribe!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework pop!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework SocketRocket!
Successfully dumped framework TFSAuth!
Child exited with status 0
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLivePipeline!
Successfully dumped framework YOLayout!
Child exited with status 0
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TFSFeatureSwitches!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework ZipUtilities!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterText!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:25.187 clutch[2399:71963] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework AVRKit!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework AgileBits!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterAPI!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:25.218 clutch[2386:71950] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework TwitterMotionGraphics!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:25.234 clutch[2402:71966] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework TwitterImagePipeline!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:25.253 clutch[2400:71964] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 00:11:25.276 clutch[2401:71965] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterNetworkLayer!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterExtensionKit!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchServicesKit!
Error: Failed to dlopen /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI dlopen(/var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI, 1): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_Crashlytics
  Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI

Failed to dump framework TFNUI :(
Child exited with status 512
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 00:11:25.473 Clutch[2371:71894] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:25.473 Clutch[2371:71894] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f30810'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 00:11:25.475 Clutch[2371:71894] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 00:11:25.475 Clutch[2371:71894] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x135f30810'}
2017-07-14 00:11:25.490 clutch[2403:71969] just setting up my twttr
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchUI!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework TFSUtilities!
Child exited with status 0
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterCore!
Child exited with status 0
Successfully dumped framework PeriscopeViewer!
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 00:11:27.675 clutch[2406:71974] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-14 00:11:27.707 clutch[2406:71974] +[T1AppDelegate load]
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework T1Twitter!
Child exited with status 0
Error: Failed to dump com.atebits.Tweetie2 :(
stek29 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I've built Clutch from source (64ba1c490141ae81f7c2eca55136512b197d6f8d) and now it kinda works:

iPod:/var/mobile root# Clutch -b com.atebits.Tweetie2
2017-07-14 02:15:58.081 Clutch[2720:88381] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Zipping Twitter.app
ASLR slide: 0x100004000
Dumping  (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:00.545 Clutch[2720:88439] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.552 Clutch[2720:88439] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffb7760'}
Error: Failed to dump 

Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:00.578 Clutch[2720:88441] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.578 Clutch[2720:88441] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe85b0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:00.578 Clutch[2720:88441] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.579 Clutch[2720:88441] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe85b0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:00.559 Clutch[2720:88439] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.580 Clutch[2720:88439] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffb7760'}
ASLR slide: 0x10004c000
Dumping  (arm64)
Patched cryptid (64bit segment)
Writing new checksum
2017-07-14 02:16:00.719 clutch[2725:88447] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework FastImageCache!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:00.906 Clutch[2720:88406] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.907 Clutch[2720:88406] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff829c0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:00.908 Clutch[2720:88406] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:00.909 Clutch[2720:88406] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff829c0'}
Error: Could not obtain mach port, either the process is dead (codesign error?) or entitlements were not properly signed!

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.016 Clutch[2720:88440] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.017 Clutch[2720:88440] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe71e0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.018 Clutch[2720:88440] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.018 Clutch[2720:88440] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe71e0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.243 clutch[2726:88450] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.266 clutch[2730:88454] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.265 clutch[2728:88452] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.274 clutch[2731:88455] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.276 clutch[2727:88451] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.291 clutch[2732:88456] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.322 clutch[2733:88457] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterText!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.337 Clutch[2720:88431] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.337 Clutch[2720:88431] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdddd0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.337 Clutch[2720:88431] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.337 Clutch[2720:88431] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdddd0'}
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework YOLayout!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.364 Clutch[2720:88434] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.365 Clutch[2720:88434] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdd630'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.366 Clutch[2720:88434] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.366 Clutch[2720:88434] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdd630'}
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.372 clutch[2734:88458] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework AgileBits!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.382 Clutch[2720:88404] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.382 Clutch[2720:88404] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffa8c40'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.383 Clutch[2720:88404] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.384 Clutch[2720:88404] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffa8c40'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.425 clutch[2735:88459] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.450 clutch[2736:88460] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.479 clutch[2737:88461] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TFSAuth!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.491 Clutch[2720:88414] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.491 Clutch[2720:88414] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd2780'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.492 Clutch[2720:88414] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.492 Clutch[2720:88414] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd2780'}
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterMotionGraphics!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.515 Clutch[2720:88429] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.516 Clutch[2720:88429] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab3f0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.516 Clutch[2720:88429] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.517 Clutch[2720:88429] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab3f0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.546 clutch[2738:88462] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.575 clutch[2739:88463] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework JBChartView!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.604 Clutch[2720:88407] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.605 Clutch[2720:88407] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe3daa0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.605 Clutch[2720:88407] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.608 Clutch[2720:88407] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe3daa0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.603 clutch[2740:88464] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.631 clutch[2741:88465] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.650 clutch[2742:88466] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.663 clutch[2743:88467] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework SocketRocket!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.674 Clutch[2720:88409] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.674 Clutch[2720:88409] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe42780'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.675 Clutch[2720:88409] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.675 Clutch[2720:88409] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe42780'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.701 clutch[2744:88468] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.749 clutch[2745:88469] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.812 clutch[2746:88470] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework TFSScribe!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.833 Clutch[2720:88419] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.833 Clutch[2720:88419] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe562b0'}
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework ZipUtilities!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump 

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.851 Clutch[2720:88435] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.851 Clutch[2720:88435] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd8220'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.851 Clutch[2720:88435] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.852 Clutch[2720:88435] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd8220'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.850 Clutch[2720:88419] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.853 Clutch[2720:88419] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe562b0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:01.866 clutch[2747:88471] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Successfully dumped framework AVRKit!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:01.879 Clutch[2720:88403] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.880 Clutch[2720:88403] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff8fe50'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:01.880 Clutch[2720:88403] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:01.880 Clutch[2720:88403] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff8fe50'}
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:01.902 clutch[2748:88472] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:01.992 clutch[2749:88473] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterImagePipeline!
2017-07-14 02:16:02.052 clutch[2750:88474] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.063 Clutch[2720:88426] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.063 Clutch[2720:88426] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd9720'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.063 Clutch[2720:88426] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.063 Clutch[2720:88426] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd9720'}
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework pop!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.123 Clutch[2720:88437] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.123 Clutch[2720:88437] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe6e20'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.125 Clutch[2720:88437] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.125 Clutch[2720:88437] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffe6e20'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.124 clutch[2751:88475] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLoggingService!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.160 Clutch[2720:88428] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.160 Clutch[2720:88428] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdb7c0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.166 clutch[2734:88458] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSAPI!
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:02.181 clutch[2752:88476] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:02.189 clutch[2739:88463] just setting up my twttr
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.203 Clutch[2720:88428] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.203 Clutch[2720:88428] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffdb7c0'}
Dumping  arm64
2017-07-14 02:16:02.213 clutch[2741:88465] just setting up my twttr
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.221 Clutch[2720:88413] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.222 Clutch[2720:88413] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffc6ed0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.222 Clutch[2720:88413] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.223 Clutch[2720:88413] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffc6ed0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.225 clutch[2742:88466] just setting up my twttr
Successfully dumped framework TFSFeatureSwitches!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.231 Clutch[2720:88416] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.232 Clutch[2720:88416] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe4edd0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.232 Clutch[2720:88416] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.232 Clutch[2720:88416] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe4edd0'}
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSLocalizedResources!
2017-07-14 02:16:02.276 clutch[2749:88473] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-14 02:16:02.280 clutch[2751:88475] just setting up my twttr
2017-07-14 02:16:02.289 clutch[2747:88471] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterAPI!
Dumping  arm64
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

Child exited with status 256
2017-07-14 02:16:02.345 Clutch[2720:88417] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.345 Clutch[2720:88417] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffb01f0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.345 Clutch[2720:88417] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.346 Clutch[2720:88420] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.346 Clutch[2720:88417] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffb01f0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.346 Clutch[2720:88420] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff91050'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterAVCore!
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.353 Clutch[2720:88420] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.353 Clutch[2720:88420] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ff91050'}
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.356 Clutch[2720:88424] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.357 Clutch[2720:88424] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffaac10'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterNetworkLayer!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.362 Clutch[2720:88430] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.362 Clutch[2720:88430] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab580'}
Error: Failed to dump 

Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.364 Clutch[2720:88430] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.364 Clutch[2720:88424] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.364 Clutch[2720:88430] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab580'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.364 Clutch[2720:88424] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffaac10'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterLivePipeline!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.375 Clutch[2720:88427] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.375 Clutch[2720:88427] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffda900'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.376 Clutch[2720:88427] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.376 Clutch[2720:88427] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffda900'}
Successfully dumped framework TFSModel!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.429 Clutch[2720:88418] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.429 Clutch[2720:88418] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffaa500'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.430 Clutch[2720:88418] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.430 Clutch[2720:88418] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffaa500'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterExtensionKit!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.451 Clutch[2720:88425] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.452 Clutch[2720:88425] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd84b0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.452 Clutch[2720:88425] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.452 Clutch[2720:88425] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd84b0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.506 clutch[2743:88467] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Error: Failed to dlopen /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI dlopen(/var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI, 1): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_Crashlytics
  Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /var/containers/Bundle/Application/7534D8EB-3FF6-4AE6-917F-44FCA6A89649/Twitter.app/Frameworks/TFNUI.framework/TFNUI

Failed to dump framework TFNUI :(
Child exited with status 0
2017-07-14 02:16:02.592 clutch[2745:88469] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchServicesKit!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.627 Clutch[2720:88432] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.628 Clutch[2720:88432] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab940'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.628 Clutch[2720:88432] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.628 Clutch[2720:88432] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffab940'}
Successfully dumped framework TFSUtilities!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.688 Clutch[2720:88423] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.688 Clutch[2720:88423] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd7cb0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.689 Clutch[2720:88423] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.693 Clutch[2720:88423] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffd7cb0'}
Successfully dumped framework TwitterWatchUI!
2017-07-14 02:16:02.712 clutch[2753:88478] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:02.717 clutch[2754:88479] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:02.735 Clutch[2720:88433] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.735 Clutch[2720:88433] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffabad0'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:02.735 Clutch[2720:88433] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:02.736 Clutch[2720:88433] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffabad0'}
2017-07-14 02:16:02.856 clutch[2753:88478] just setting up my twttr
Dumping  arm64
Dumping  arm64
Successfully dumped framework TFSTwitterCore!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:03.333 Clutch[2720:88421] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:03.333 Clutch[2720:88421] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffcf330'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:03.335 Clutch[2720:88421] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:03.335 Clutch[2720:88421] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffcf330'}
Successfully dumped framework PeriscopeViewer!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:03.446 Clutch[2720:88408] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:03.447 Clutch[2720:88408] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe41840'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:03.447 Clutch[2720:88408] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:03.448 Clutch[2720:88408] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15fe41840'}
2017-07-14 02:16:04.729 clutch[2755:88485] command: Only dump binary files from specified bundleID
2017-07-14 02:16:05.696 clutch[2755:88485] just setting up my twttr
Zipping AVRKit.framework
Zipping AgileBits.framework
Zipping FastImageCache.framework
Zipping JBChartView.framework
Zipping PeriscopeViewer.framework
2017-07-14 02:16:05.837 clutch[2755:88485] +[T1AppDelegate load]
Dumping  arm64
Zipping SocketRocket.framework
Zipping T1Twitter.framework
Successfully dumped framework T1Twitter!
Child exited with status 256
Error: Failed to dump  with arch arm64

2017-07-14 02:16:09.415 Clutch[2720:88411] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:09.415 Clutch[2720:88411] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffbbd40'}
Error: Failed to dump 

2017-07-14 02:16:09.416 Clutch[2720:88411] failed operation :(
2017-07-14 02:16:09.416 Clutch[2720:88411] application {name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x15ffbbd40'}
Zipping TFNUI.framework
Zipping TFSAPI.framework
Zipping TFSAuth.framework
Zipping TFSFeatureSwitches.framework
Zipping TFSLocalizedResources.framework
Zipping TFSModel.framework
Zipping TFSScribe.framework
Zipping TFSTwitterAPI.framework
Zipping TFSTwitterCore.framework
Zipping TFSUtilities.framework
Zipping TwitterAVCore.framework
Zipping TwitterExtensionKit.framework
Zipping TwitterImagePipeline.framework
Zipping TwitterLivePipeline.framework
Zipping TwitterLoggingService.framework
Zipping TwitterMotionGraphics.framework
Zipping TwitterNetworkLayer.framework
Zipping TwitterText.framework
Zipping TwitterWatchServicesKit.framework
Zipping TwitterWatchUI.framework
Zipping YOLayout.framework
Zipping ZipUtilities.framework
Zipping pop.framework
Zipping ShareExtension.appex
Zipping Twitter WatchKit Extension.appex
Zipping TwitterNotificationContentExtension.appex
Zipping TwitterNotificationServiceExtension.appex
Finished dumping com.atebits.Tweetie2 in 14.7 seconds

@yuchuanfeng can you try it too? You may install it from https://stek29.rocks/cyrepo if you can't build it on your own. (It's not official ofc)

DickyT commented 7 years ago


wxq491216 commented 6 years ago

@stek29 Can't dump Twitter 7.1.0 on iOS 9.3.2 with your version 2.0.4

huang1988519 commented 6 years ago

Can't dump OneTravel(滴滴打车) on iOS 9.3.3 with your version 2.0.4

Tatsh commented 6 years ago

Please try the latest commit. Use the -d argument and post the log.