KJCracks / Clutch

Fast iOS executable dumper
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"Failed to dump framework Purchases :(" #256

Open mailinglists35 opened 4 months ago

mailinglists35 commented 4 months ago


iPhone:~ root# ./Clutch-2.0.4-Debug -v -d com.touchbyte.PhotoSync
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | using bundle identifier
Now dumping com.touchbyte.PhotoSync
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B
Preparing to dump <PhotoSync>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PhotoSync
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <AFNetworking>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/AFNetworking.framework/AFNetworking
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <CBHDigestKit>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/CBHDigestKit.framework/CBHDigestKit
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <CocoaAsyncSocket>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/CocoaAsyncSocket.framework/CocoaAsyncSocket
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <KeychainAccess>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/KeychainAccess.framework/KeychainAccess
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <KissXML>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/KissXML.framework/KissXML
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <NYTPhotoViewer>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/NYTPhotoViewer.framework/NYTPhotoViewer
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <PurchaseKit>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/PurchaseKit.framework/PurchaseKit
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <Purchases>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/Purchases.framework/Purchases
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <SwiftRichString>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/SwiftRichString.framework/SwiftRichString
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <TBSwiftMessages>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/TBSwiftMessages.framework/TBSwiftMessages
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <ThemeKit>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/ThemeKit.framework/ThemeKit
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <TransferKit>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/TransferKit.framework/TransferKit
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <gphoto2>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/gphoto2.framework/gphoto2
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <libsmb2>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/libsmb2.framework/libsmb2
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <openssl>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/openssl.framework/openssl
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/
Preparing to dump <pureftpd>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/pureftpd.framework/pureftpd
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | ######## bundle URL file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PlugIns/
Preparing to dump <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree>
Path: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PlugIns/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree.appex/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree
Zipping PhotoSync.app
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <TBSwiftMessages> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1860f380> for binary <TBSwiftMessages> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <gphoto2> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1860dbd0> for binary <gphoto2> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <pureftpd> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187b6820> for binary <pureftpd> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 65536 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 120944 | datasize 22000
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 557056 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 196608 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 120944 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 761648 | datasize 38224
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 331120 | datasize 27312
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 761648 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 331120 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <Purchases> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x18610c40> for binary <Purchases> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <NYTPhotoViewer> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <libsmb2> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x18612c70> for binary <libsmb2> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <ThemeKit> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x18613630> for binary <NYTPhotoViewer> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <CocoaAsyncSocket> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x18612ff0> for binary <CocoaAsyncSocket> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187b9770> for binary <ThemeKit> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <PurchaseKit> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1860a700> for binary <PurchaseKit> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 294912 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <SwiftRichString> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1860a510> for binary <SwiftRichString> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <AFNetworking> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187b6a90> for binary <AFNetworking> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <KissXML> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187b7210> for binary <KissXML> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 81920 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <CBHDigestKit> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <KeychainAccess> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 190528 | datasize 23776
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 147456 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 147456 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 259296 | datasize 25568
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 262144 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187c0810> for binary <CBHDigestKit> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 475136 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 201040 | datasize 24080
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187c0970> for binary <KeychainAccess> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <openssl> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 377776 | datasize 28544
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x187c2b00> for binary <openssl> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 498928 | datasize 31568
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 196608 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 16777228
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper <ARM64Dumper> does not support the armv7 architecture
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | <ARM64Dumper: 0x186122c0> cannot dump binary <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree> (arch armv7). Dumper not compatible, finding another dumper
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <ARMDumper: 0x187c3f20> for binary <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 190528 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 201040 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 163840 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 377776 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 1622016 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 49152 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 2194864 | datasize 74608
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 163840 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 259296 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 111024 | datasize 21792
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 16384 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 320624 | datasize 27104
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 498928 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 336560 | datasize 27568
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 60992 | datasize 20448
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 699744 | datasize 36672
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 348336 | datasize 27872
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit Dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 2194864 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 111024 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 320624 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 336560 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 60992 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 699744 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 348336 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 98304 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 153856 | datasize 23728
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | binary path /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PlugIns/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree.appex/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | found all required load commands for <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree> armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | to MH_PIE or not to MH_PIE, that is the question
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/B0039D2E-A6CA-4BDA-A9BD-4808907C9C45/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <PhotoSync> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 16777228
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper <ARM64Dumper> does not support the armv7 architecture
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | <ARM64Dumper: 0x18846700> cannot dump binary <PhotoSync> (arch armv7). Dumper not compatible, finding another dumper
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <ARMDumper: 0x18846700> for binary <PhotoSync> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit Dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | got the pid 1759 /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PlugIns/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree.appex/PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/7B1AA0A1-C976-40D1-96C9-49B9D2690FB4/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/166DABE2-FFEB-48F7-AF4F-72D6A83E4C6D/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 153856 1006632960
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found main binary mach-o image @ 0x7a000!
ASLR slide: 0x7a000
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | checksum size 760
Dumping <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree> (armv7)
Patched cryptid (32bit segment)
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 4390912 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <TransferKit> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1884d3b0> for binary <TransferKit> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Finding compatible dumper for binary <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial> with arch cputype: 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Segment cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Device cputype: 12, cpusubtype: 9
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Dumper supports cputype 12
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found compatible dumper <FrameworkDumper: 0x1884e0a0> for binary <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial> with arch armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 32bit dumping: arch armv7 offset 0
Writing new checksum
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Done writing checksum
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | done dumping
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree>
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND __TEXT SEGMENT
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 3850240 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND ENCRYPTION INFO: cryptoff 16384 | cryptsize 4685824 | cryptid 1
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 11010368 | datasize 298576
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1760
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 5368816 | datasize 156464
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | binary path /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PhotoSync
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | found all required load commands for <PhotoSync> armv7
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | to MH_PIE or not to MH_PIE, that is the question
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | FOUND CODE SIGNATURE: dataoff 5734944 | datasize 164592
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | starting to ldid
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 11010368 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/BAFA70B9-8068-4B26-91A5-FF0F3E3D40A6/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello it's me
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 5734944 872415232
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello from the other side
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1762
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/151614E8-2A85-44BF-BE36-C1395060CC8B/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1761
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | got the pid 1763 /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/PhotoSync
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/FFD56607-1EDE-4A45-BF72-BFEB3162B106/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/C345CC87-DE29-427F-8627-5B9C0ACB1B24/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1764
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | 0 5368816 1006632960
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Found main binary mach-o image @ 0xed000!
ASLR slide: 0xed000
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | checksum size 26220
Dumping <PhotoSync> (armv7)
Patched cryptid (32bit segment)
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/3C561F0B-D8D4-426E-B109-3E50837CB377/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/A0C9B6EC-7CD0-4236-8A1C-AD1999B5E4A9/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1765
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/24C78010-9E7C-4DE4-87DB-63D83EB694CA/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1766
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1767
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1768
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/CE248C3F-C792-449B-A809-854F7D61C6AC/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/829C1248-8D91-4F3F-A7AE-975A6DFC528B/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1769
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/B33367A6-181C-41E3-B5A7-E3C57C80A065/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1770
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/9129A2AE-69A9-463E-A419-572F089A7983/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/01796E0F-6B66-4B55-B54D-632EFC44B7A6/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1771
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1772
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/F51A31F2-60C1-4965-9BDC-D629B4C01CEB/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | i must have called a thousand times!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | hello potato posix_spawn /var/tmp/clutch/70883A3F-CCD6-41B5-9174-AE6AB0044454/clutch
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1773
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1774
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1775
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1777
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child pid: 1776
Dumping <pureftpd> armv7
Error: Failed to dlopen /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/Purchases.framework/Purchases dlopen(/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/Purchases.framework/Purchases, 1): Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
  Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E01DDBD9-14DE-4605-80A5-DD7C1099560B/PhotoSync.app/Frameworks/Purchases.framework/Purchases
  Reason: image not found

Failed to dump framework Purchases :(
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 512
Error: Failed to dump <Purchases> with arch armv7

2024-03-10 22:43:09.373 Clutch-2.0.4-Debug[1757:28473] failed operation :(
2024-03-10 22:43:09.379 Clutch-2.0.4-Debug[1757:28473] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x18053310>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x18053310'}
Error: Failed to dump <Purchases>

2024-03-10 22:43:09.380 Clutch-2.0.4-Debug[1757:28473] failed operation :(
2024-03-10 22:43:09.382 Clutch-2.0.4-Debug[1757:28473] application <NSOperationQueue: 0x18053310>{name = 'NSOperationQueue 0x18053310'}
Dumping <gphoto2> armv7
Dumping <ThemeKit> armv7
Dumping <KissXML> armv7
Dumping <CBHDigestKit> armv7
Successfully dumped framework pureftpd!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <pureftpd>
Dumping <libsmb2> armv7
Dumping <openssl> armv7
Successfully dumped framework ThemeKit!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <ThemeKit>
Dumping <AFNetworking> armv7
Successfully dumped framework KissXML!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <KissXML>
Successfully dumped framework CBHDigestKit!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <CBHDigestKit>
Dumping <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial> armv7
Successfully dumped framework openssl!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <openssl>
Dumping <CocoaAsyncSocket> armv7
Successfully dumped framework libsmb2!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <libsmb2>
Successfully dumped framework gphoto2!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <gphoto2>
Dumping <NYTPhotoViewer> armv7
Successfully dumped framework AFNetworking!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <AFNetworking>
Writing new checksum
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Done writing checksum
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | done dumping
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <PhotoSync>
Successfully dumped framework CocoaAsyncSocket!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <CocoaAsyncSocket>
Successfully dumped framework NYTPhotoViewer!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <NYTPhotoViewer>
Dumping <KeychainAccess> armv7
Dumping <TBSwiftMessages> armv7
Dumping <SwiftRichString> armv7
Successfully dumped framework KeychainAccess!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <KeychainAccess>
Successfully dumped framework TBSwiftMessages!
Successfully dumped framework SwiftRichString!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <TBSwiftMessages>
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <SwiftRichString>
Successfully dumped framework ObjectiveDropboxOfficial!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <ObjectiveDropboxOfficial>
Dumping <TransferKit> armv7
Dumping <PurchaseKit> armv7
Successfully dumped framework PurchaseKit!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <PurchaseKit>
Successfully dumped framework TransferKit!
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Child exited with status 0
ClutchPrint.m : 77 | Sucessfully dumped armv7 segment of <TransferKit>
Zipping AFNetworking.framework
Zipping CBHDigestKit.framework
Zipping CocoaAsyncSocket.framework
Zipping KeychainAccess.framework
Zipping KissXML.framework
Zipping NYTPhotoViewer.framework
Zipping ObjectiveDropboxOfficial.framework
Zipping PurchaseKit.framework
Zipping Purchases.framework
Zipping SwiftRichString.framework
Zipping TBSwiftMessages.framework
Zipping ThemeKit.framework
Zipping TransferKit.framework
Zipping gphoto2.framework
Zipping libsmb2.framework
Zipping openssl.framework
Zipping pureftpd.framework
Zipping PhotoSyncShareExtensionFree.appex
FAILED: <PhotoSync bundleID: com.touchbyte.PhotoSync>
Finished dumping com.touchbyte.PhotoSync in 36.3 seconds
JesseTheLamest commented 2 months ago

Did you try setting the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the app's "Frameworks" folder when decrypting the app? I had a similar issue when decrypting an app with it's own frameworks. In issue 195, Amoystyle figured out how to fix the issue where the app's frameworks weren't loading.

This is the command you'd execute when you want to decrypt an app and you need to change the LD_LIBRARY_PATH path to the app's "Frameworks" path (fill in the blanks with the corresponding information without parentheses):

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/(app UDID)/(app name)/Frameworks ./Clutch-2.0.4-Debug -d (the app's corresponding number from clutch's app list)

Hopefully this helps!