KKBOX / FireApp

Fire.app is a HTML prototyping tool with Sass/Compass/ERB/Haml/Slim/Markdown support
GNU General Public License v2.0
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fireapp-documents-teaching-material <%= livereload_js %> does not work as described in Fire.app Feature Tutorial #292

Closed PlumHunter closed 9 years ago

PlumHunter commented 9 years ago

I am following your online tutorial. I am on the "Using Template Helpers" page. It instructs "After modifying the file name, add a helper to generate LiveReload-js before

  1. <%= livereloadjs %>". I have the renamed file screenshots.html.erb in my C:\Sass Fire\fireapp-documents-teaching-material folder. That folder was created by unzipping the fireapp-documents-teaching-material zip file. I have the fire-app application in folder named C:\Sass Fire\fire.app. The tutorial goes on to say : "Refresh the browser to active the added JavaScripts. Now, the browser will automatically refresh after modifying files." After changing files, nothing happened - the browser did not reflect the changes. It also had this error at the top of the page in the browser : "Errno::ESRCH: No such process - No message available". I am giving up on this tutorial and fire.app altogether and go back to using compass.app. I am following the tutorial and getting nowhere - a waste of my time and money. Did you guys actually go thru the tutorial to make sure it works and document potential difficulties??? What a (&^(&^(&^(_&^ waste!!!!!
hlb commented 9 years ago

livereload-related issue has been fixed in v1.14