KL-Corporation / Koponen-Dating-Simulator

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Adjust shotgun #95

Open NALStudio opened 1 month ago

NALStudio commented 1 month ago

After Aaro's new shotgun update (reduced bullet spread), shotgun one-hits an enemy which makes the AWM pretty useless compared to a shotgun. I'd propose we either reduce shotgun palettes damage or reduce its range so that there is a clear distinction between the capabilities of AWM and the shotgun.

Both AWM and the shotgun are given on campaign Map 02 of KDS.

EDIT: Please read the updates (especially the 26.6. one)

NALStudio commented 1 month ago

This would also have a nice performance increase as currently the shotgun's bullets travel so far that it almost bottlenecks the CPU

NALStudio commented 1 week ago

UPDATE (26.6.): I have implemented scope peeking (stand still and press TAB with AWM) so AWM and shotgun are now at least distinct from one another. I think this still could be addressed by Aaro since shotgun's long range still grinds the game's performance to a halt. (multiple bullets are checking collisions simultaneously for a very long distance)

Due to this change I'd rather we reduce the bullet range instead of damage as it makes sense that the shotgun one-shots up-close.