The lack of a standard for translation of foreign content
The lack of guidelines (in Arabic) for producing high quality Arabic content
One of the issues with Arabic translations that I personally notice are complete translations (Arabization) for foreign concepts. This leads to difficulty when researching and inferring the same topics in other languages, specifically English. This may be due to the fact that no standard, nor research for one, exist so far. This is one of the Content Maintenance Faction's responsibilities.
The second issue exists regarding the production of high quality Arabic content. There seems to be a lot of content in Arabic, but it's usually too scattered across the web and a lot of it is not as good (in terms of production quality) as other sources. It's also the responsibility of the Content Maintenance Faction's to research and facilitate this.
# مشاكل الترجمات العربية
من ضمن المشاكل الموجودة حالياً في المجتمع التقني هو ان في ناس بتترجم ترجمة كاملة (تعريب) للمحتوى الاجنبي و اللي بدوره بيأدي لصعوبة البحث و الاستدلال على نفس المواضيع باللغات التانية و تحديداً الإنجليزية. و من ضمن كمان المشاكل الموجودة هو ان مفيش دليل او معيار يبقى موجود للعالم العربي كله يحدد مثلاً الترجمة تتعمل ازاي؟
# عدم وجود ارشادات لإنتاج محتوى عالي الجودة
بجانب مشكلة زي ان مفيش ارشادات لإنتاج المحتوى من الأساس. حاجات زي مثلاً عناويين الفيديوهات تحتوى على كلمات ايه, في ناس تلاقيهم عاملين العنوان كله بالعربي و لو حد دور بالانجليزي على محتوى عربي مش هيلاقي الفيديو ده. و في ناس بيعملوا العنوان انجليزي و يكتبوا كلمة تدل على ان الشرح بالعربي, و في ناس بيبقوا عاملين الاتنين.
دي كلها حاجات بتأدي لمشاكل في الوصول للمحتوى العربي, و بالتالي لازم برضه نهتم بالمواضيع دي. الفصيل المسؤول عن ده هو فصيل انتاج وصيانة المحتوى.
We may start by documenting best practices of translation of technical concepts, as well as documenting or translating existing documentation for high quality production.
This issue documents two problems:
One of the issues with Arabic translations that I personally notice are complete translations (Arabization) for foreign concepts. This leads to difficulty when researching and inferring the same topics in other languages, specifically English. This may be due to the fact that no standard, nor research for one, exist so far. This is one of the Content Maintenance Faction's responsibilities.
The second issue exists regarding the production of high quality Arabic content. There seems to be a lot of content in Arabic, but it's usually too scattered across the web and a lot of it is not as good (in terms of production quality) as other sources. It's also the responsibility of the Content Maintenance Faction's to research and facilitate this.