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[macOS] User Properties Dialog Crashes #1706

Closed Kazzz-S closed 1 month ago

Kazzz-S commented 2 months ago

1. The Latest Version (0.29.1)

The User Properties dialog crashes when I click the [User Properties] button. This problem reproduces with the latest four binaries listed below. 0291DMGs 02901-crash-logs.zip

I used this feature before. I recently started using it again after a long hiatus and noticed this problem.

This problem is macOS-specific. This feature works as expected in the Linux and Windows environments, as shown in the images below. OK-Linux-Mint21 3 OK-Windows10

To be continued...

Kazzz-S commented 2 months ago


2. Previous Versions (< 0.29.1)

I tested previous versions with HW*.dmg going back in history. Then, I found versions up to 0.28.8 are problematic.

<0.29.1> --> 0.28.17 --> 0.28.15 --> 0.28.14 --> 0.28.13 --> 0.28.12 --> 0.28.11 --> 0.28.10 --> 0.28.9 --> 0.28.8


To be continued...

Kazzz-S commented 2 months ago


3. Further Previous Versions (< 0.28.8)

I tested with 0.28.7, 0.27.13, and 0.26.12 and found they are OK, as shown in the sample images below. 02807HW-a 02807HW-b OK-samples.zip

I suspect some problem may have intruded between 0.28.7 and 0.28.8.

Best regards, Kazzz-S

klayoutmatthias commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the analysis. I will look into that.


Kazzz-S commented 1 month ago


4. With Qt6



Kazzz-S commented 1 month ago


5. Qt-wise Status



Thanks, Kazzz-S

stefanottili commented 1 month ago

on M1 lastest master: homebrew qt 5.15.13 coredump homebrew qt 6.7 works

klayoutmatthias commented 1 month ago

Dear @Kazzz-S and @stefanottili

Thanks for the many datapoints and your experiments!

Maybe I found the root cause: on some platforms / compilers, a default-initialized iterator appears no to have the same value. I think it is more related to the compiler, although I have not seen the issue myself on neither gcc nor clang on Linux and Windows. Searching does not reveal a consistent picture: some say, a default-initialized constructor is a "singular" value, others say it is uninitialized. So it is better to give it a proper value.

My patch is here: https://github.com/KLayout/klayout/pull/1708

Maybe you can try whether this fixes the problem.

Thanks and best regards,


klayoutmatthias commented 1 month ago

P.S: I hope you did not spend too much effort in your research. Basically all I needed was the hint about 0.28.7 vs. 0.28.8 :(

stefanottili commented 1 month ago

git checkout origin/bugfix/issue-1706 fixes the coredump on M1 Sonoma.

The fact that it went unreported for so many versions just might indicate that nobody is using this feature ...

Kazzz-S commented 1 month ago

Hello @klayoutmatthias,

Thank you for trying to fix this problem. Using the patch #1708, I rebuilt:

  1. Four binaries with Qt5.x mentioned in this table.
  2. Two binaries with Qt6.x mentioned in this comment.
  3. One binary with Qt5.12.8 on Linux Mint 20.3.

I confirmed that all 7 test cases are OK.

Thank you again, and best regards, Kazzz-S

Kazzz-S commented 1 month ago

Hello @stefanottili,

Thank you for testing on M1 Sonoma. I use this feature mainly in Linux environments, so I overlooked this problem till recently.

Best regards, Kazzz-S