KLayout / klayout

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Instance selecion in object properties does not match with view port object highlight #1733

Closed s910324 closed 6 days ago

s910324 commented 4 weeks ago

System : Windows 11 x64 Software : Klayout 0.29.1 portable

Hi recently I have encounter a senerio that the selection of instance does not correlate well with the selection indicatiob in view port following video shows a grouped selection of 4 instance + one rectangular, when I switch to choose TEXT instance, the view port hightlights the FiducialMark instance instead.

It seems only affects view port hight light, and does not affect the info displayed on property window.


It occurs randomly so i think it might provide some hint with the layout attached. Selection_test.zip

Thank you.

klayoutmatthias commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot for the test case. The issue reproduces for me.

I will take a look and try to fix it on the next minor release.

Best regards,
