KMKfw / kmk_firmware

Clackety Keyboards Powered by Python
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Layer RGB feature is not working #1034

Closed parasbhanot closed 1 week ago

parasbhanot commented 1 week ago

Hi everyone i am trying to change the colour of neopixel led strip when certain layer is switched but colour never changes to blue or yellow or while as per the documentation. it is stuck with red colour which refuses to change .

i have modified the code as per the layer documentation for rgb leds as given below :

import board
import time

from kmk.kmk_keyboard import KMKKeyboard as _KMKKeyboard
from kmk.quickpin.pro_micro.sparkfun_promicro_rp2040 import pinout as pins
from kmk.scanners.keypad import KeysScanner
from kmk.extensions.media_keys import MediaKeys
from kmk.modules.macros import Macros, Tap , Delay, Press, Release
from kmk.keys import KC
from kmk.modules.layers import Layers
from kmk.extensions.rgb import RGB

     pins[9], pins[16], pins[17], pins[18], pins[19],
    pins[15], pins[14], pins[13], pins[12],  pins[0],
     pins[4],  pins[5],  pins[6],  pins[7],  pins[8],
                                  pins[10], pins[11],

class LayerRGB(RGB):
    def on_layer_change(self, layer):
        if layer == 0:
            self.set_hsv_fill(0, self.sat_default, self.val_default)   # red
        elif layer == 1:
            self.set_hsv_fill(170, self.sat_default, self.val_default) # blue
        elif layer == 2:
            self.set_hsv_fill(43, self.sat_default, self.val_default)  # yellow
        elif layer == 4:
            self.set_hsv_fill(0, 0, self.val_default)                  # white

class KMKKeyboard(_KMKKeyboard):
    def __init__(self):
        # create and register the scanner
        self.matrix = KeysScanner(_KEY_CFG_LEFT)

    # fmt: off
    coord_mapping = [
         0,  1,  2,  3,  4,
         5,  6,  7,  8,  9,
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
                    15, 16,

keyboard = KMKKeyboard()
layers = Layers()
macros = Macros()

keyboard.modules = [layers]

rgb = LayerRGB(pixel_pin=board.D1, # GPIO pin of the status LED, or background RGB light
        num_pixels=8,                # one if status LED, more if background RGB light
        rgb_order=( 1 , 0, 2),         # RGB order may differ depending on the hardware
        hue_default=0,               # in range 0-255: 0/255-red, 85-green, 170-blue


class RGBLayers(Layers):
    def activate_layer(self, keyboard, layer, idx=None):
        super().activate_layer(keyboard, layer, idx)

    def deactivate_layer(self, keyboard, layer):
        super().deactivate_layer(keyboard, layer)


# Cleaner key names
_______ = KC.TRNS

BaseL = KC.DF(0)
RaiseL = KC.DF(1)
RaiseL2 = KC.DF(2)
RaiseL3 = KC.DF(3)
RaiseL4 = KC.DF(4)
RaiseL5 = KC.DF(5)
RaiseL6 = KC.DF(6)
RaiseL7 = KC.DF(7)
RaiseL8 = KC.DF(8)

# Generic macros

Undo = KC.LCTL(KC.Z)
Redo = KC.LCTL(KC.Y)

# Kicad macros

GlobalLabel = KC.LCTL(KC.L)

PowerFlag = KC.MACRO(



keyboard.keymap = [

    [  #     Base layer
           KC.Q,   KC.W,   KC.MUTE  ,    KC.VOLD,    KC.VOLU,
           RaiseL2,   KC.Q,    KC.C,   KC.R,    KC.W,
           RaiseL,  KC.Z,  KC.Z,    Undo,    Redo,
                                 KC.LGUI, KC.BSPC,

    [  #   Kicad schematics
           GlobalLabel,   KC.L,   PowerFlag,    KC.X,    KC.Y,
           KC.A,   KC.Q,    KC.C,   KC.R,    KC.W,
           BaseL,  KC.T,  KC.COMMA,    _______,    _______,
                                 KC.LGUI, KC.INS,


if __name__ == '__main__':

Am i doing something wrong ?

parasbhanot commented 1 week ago

i have put debug statement everywhere and go the following serial logs

Code stopped by auto-reload. Reloading soon.
soft reboot

Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable. output:
2527502 kmk.keyboard: Initialising KMKKeyboard
2527505 kmk.hid: use 6KRO
2527506 kmk.hid: use no pan
2527507 kmk.keyboard: hid=USBHID(REPORT_BYTES=9)
2527510 kmk.keyboard: matrix=['KeysScanner']
2527513 kmk.keyboard: modules=['Macros', 'RGBLayers']
2527548 kmk.extensions.rgb: pixels[0] = <class 'NeoPixel'>[8]
2527550 kmk.keyboard: extensions=['LayerRGB', 'MediaKeys']
2527575 kmk.keyboard: mem_info used:76800 free:95616
2528704 kmk.keyboard: <Event: key_number 10 pressed>: LayerKey
2528707 kmk.keyboard: coordkeys_pressed={10: LayerKey}
Activating layer: 1
2528710 kmk.modules.layers: active_layers=[1]
Layer change callback: 1
Setting color to blue
2528899 kmk.keyboard: <Event: key_number 10 released>: LayerKey
2528901 kmk.keyboard: coordkeys_pressed={}
2555139 kmk.keyboard: cleaning up...
2555144 kmk.keyboard: ...done

and my updated code is

import board

import time

from kmk.kmk_keyboard import KMKKeyboard as _KMKKeyboard
from kmk.quickpin.pro_micro.sparkfun_promicro_rp2040 import pinout as pins
from kmk.scanners.keypad import KeysScanner
from kmk.extensions.media_keys import MediaKeys
from kmk.modules.macros import Macros, Tap , Delay, Press, Release
from kmk.keys import KC
from kmk.extensions.rgb import RGB
from kmk.modules.layers import Layers

     pins[9], pins[16], pins[17], pins[18], pins[19],
    pins[15], pins[14], pins[13], pins[12],  pins[0],
     pins[4],  pins[5],  pins[6],  pins[7],  pins[8],
                                  pins[10], pins[11],

class LayerRGB(RGB):
    def on_layer_change(self, layer):
        print(f"Layer change callback: {layer}")  # Debug statement
        if layer == 0:
            print("Setting color to red")
            self.set_hsv_fill(0, self.sat_default, self.val_default) # red

        elif layer == 1:
            print("Setting color to blue")
            self.set_hsv_fill(170, self.sat_default, self.val_default)  # blue

        elif layer == 2:
            print("Setting color to orange")
            self.set_hsv_fill(43, self.sat_default, self.val_default)  # yellow
        elif layer == 4:
            print("Setting color to yellow")
            self.set_hsv_fill(0,0 , self.val_default)  # white

class KMKKeyboard(_KMKKeyboard):
    def __init__(self):
        # create and register the scanner
        self.matrix = KeysScanner(_KEY_CFG_LEFT)

    # fmt: off
    coord_mapping = [
         0,  1,  2,  3,  4,   
         5,  6,  7,  8,  9,   
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
                    15, 16,

keyboard = KMKKeyboard()
# layers = Layers()
macros = Macros()

rgb = LayerRGB(pixel_pin=board.D1, # GPIO pin of the status LED, or background RGB light
        num_pixels=8,                # one if status LED, more if background RGB light
        rgb_order=( 1 , 0, 2),         # RGB order may differ depending on the hardware
        hue_default=0,               # in range 0-255: 0/255-red, 85-green, 170-blue

class RGBLayers(Layers):
    def activate_layer(self, keyboard, layer, idx=None):
        print(f"Activating layer: {layer}")  # Debug statement
        super().activate_layer(keyboard, layer, idx)

    def deactivate_layer(self, keyboard, layer):
        print(f"Deactivating layer: {layer}")  # Debug statement
        super().deactivate_layer(keyboard, layer)

# keyboard.modules.append(layers)

# Cleaner key names
_______ = KC.TRNS

BaseL = KC.DF(0) 
RaiseL1 = KC.DF(1)  
RaiseL2 = KC.DF(2)  
RaiseL3 = KC.DF(3)  
RaiseL4 = KC.DF(4)  
RaiseL5 = KC.DF(5)  
RaiseL6 = KC.DF(6)  
RaiseL7 = KC.DF(7)  
RaiseL8 = KC.DF(8)  

# Generic macros 

Undo = KC.LCTL(KC.Z)
Redo = KC.LCTL(KC.Y)

# Kicad macros 

GlobalLabel = KC.LCTL(KC.L)

PowerFlag = KC.MACRO(

keyboard.keymap = [

    [  #     Base layer
           KC.Q,   KC.W,   KC.MUTE  ,    KC.VOLD,    KC.VOLU,
           KC.N,   KC.Q,    KC.C,   KC.R,    KC.W,
           RaiseL1,  KC.Z,  KC.Z,    Undo,    Redo,    
                                 KC.LGUI, KC.BSPC,

    [  #   Kicad schematics
           GlobalLabel,   KC.L,   PowerFlag,    KC.X,    KC.Y,
           KC.A,   KC.Q,    KC.C,   KC.R,    KC.W,
           BaseL,  KC.T,  KC.COMMA,    _______,    _______,    
                                 KC.LGUI, KC.INS,


if __name__ == '__main__':
xs5871 commented 1 week ago

If you don't have an active animation you have to apply the color change manually by calling the rgb extension's show() method.