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[Enhancement] add defaults settings to hold tap & other relevant mod keys #814

Closed i-r-o-n closed 11 months ago

i-r-o-n commented 1 year ago

could add a new method to change the defaults so that you don't have to specify the argument on every call speedymode or something

Ch4ni commented 11 months ago

not sure if this works for you, but here's what I'm using to manage my own defaults:

# prefer_hold = False       # setting to false means that when typing quickly, the next keypress is interpreted as a tap.
#                           # When intending a hold, this is less likely to happen quickly enough to be interpreted as a tap.
#                           # Fewer false positives than when set to true
# tap_interrupted = True    # interrupt the "hold" after another key is released. For things like Emacs this may provide
#                           # problems, but I'm an nvim user, so it's all good
# tap_time = defaultTime    # use the value of the defaultTime variable for tap_time. This is determined by experimentation 
#                           # to see what works best for the way I type
# repeat = defaultRepeat    # use the value of the defaultRepeat variable for repeat behavior. This is determined by
#                           # experimentation to see what works best for the way I type.
adaHT = lambda kcTap, kcHold : KC.HT(kcTap, kcHold, prefer_hold=False, tap_interrupted=True, tap_time=defaultTapTime, repeat=defaultRepeat)

... then I just call adaHT(KC.<tapKeycode>, KC.<holdKeyCode>) to use those.

In theory you could probably do something more among the lines of:

myHoldTap = lambda kcTap, kcHold, **kwargs : KC.HT(kcTap, kchold, tap_time=<myDefault>, **kwargs)

if you wanted to retain the semantics of the original

(disclaimer: I haven't tested the second form of this using **kwargs ... I can't recall offhand how that would handle a kw that's both manually specified and present in **kwargs)

(secondary disclaimer: I'm relatively new to CircuitPython and kmk in general; also not affiliated with the project in any way ... just an excited new user :sweat_smile: )

xs5871 commented 11 months ago

That's the way to do it. Personally, I'd use a named function (if you give it name, a lambda is probably not the right choice).

def speedyHT(*args, **kwargs):
    return KC.HT(*args, prefer_hold=True, **kwargs)
Ch4ni commented 11 months ago

Duly noted, thanks!

I sense an update of my own configs on the way!