We can see the forward process in the code below. It seems the prompts will enter into the next layer . If it is true, it seems not consistent with the Fig.2 of the original paper.
def forward_deep_prompt(self, embedding_output):
attn_weights = []
hidden_states = None
weights = None
B = embedding_output.shape[0]
num_layers = self.vit_config.transformer["num_layers"]
for i in range(num_layers):
if i == 0:
hidden_states, weights = self.encoder.layer[i](embedding_output)
if i <= self.deep_prompt_embeddings.shape[0]:
deep_prompt_emb = self.prompt_dropout(self.prompt_proj(
self.deep_prompt_embeddings[i-1]).expand(B, -1, -1))
hidden_states = torch.cat((
hidden_states[:, :1, :],
hidden_states[:, (1+self.num_tokens):, :]
), dim=1)
hidden_states, weights = self.encoder.layer[i](hidden_states)
if self.encoder.vis:
encoded = self.encoder.encoder_norm(hidden_states)
return encoded, attn_weights
We can see the forward process in the code below. It seems the prompts will enter into the next layer . If it is true, it seems not consistent with the Fig.2 of the original paper.