KNXCloud / lowcode-engine-vue

Lowcode engine renderer and simulator for vue
MIT License
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自定义物料拖入报错,节点无法拖拽到page下 #63

Closed lyllovelemon closed 1 year ago

lyllovelemon commented 1 year ago



export default { group: 'Antd', componentName:'AList', title: '列表', category: '数据展示', npm: { destructuring: true, componentName: 'AList' }, props:[ { title: '数据源', display: 'block', type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'dataSource', title: { label: '列表数据源', tip: '列表数据源' }, propType: { type: 'arrayOf', value: 'any' }, setter: ['JsonSetter', 'VariableSetter'], }, { name: 'loading', title: { label: '是否加载中', tip: 'loading | 当卡片内容还在加载中时,可以用 loading 展示一个占位', }, propType: 'bool', defaultValue: false, setter: ['BoolSetter', 'VariableSetter'], }, { name: 'rowKey', title: { label: '行Key', tip: 'rowKey | 当 renderItem 自定义渲染列表项有效时,自定义每一行的 key 的获取方式', }, propType: { type: 'oneOfType', value: ['string', 'function'], }, defaultValue: 'id', setter: [ 'StringSetter', { componentName: 'FunctionSetter', props: { template: 'rowKey(item,${extParams}){\n// 自定义每一行的 key\nreturn key-${};\n}', }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], }, ], }, { title: '外观', display: 'block', type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'itemLayout', title: { label: '尺寸', tip: 'itemLayout | 设置 List.Item 布局, 设置成 vertical 则竖直样式显示, 默认横排', }, propType: { type: 'oneOf', value: ['horizontal', 'vertical'] }, defaultValue: 'horizontal', setter: [ { componentName: 'RadioGroupSetter', props: { options: [ { title: '水平', value: 'horizontal', }, { title: '垂直', value: 'vertical', }, ], }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], }, { name: 'size', title: { label: '尺寸', tip: 'size | 列表的尺寸' }, propType: { type: 'oneOf', value: ['default', 'large', 'small'] }, defaultValue: 'default', setter: [ { componentName: 'RadioGroupSetter', props: { options: [ { title: '默认', value: 'default', }, { title: '大', value: 'large', }, { title: '小', value: 'small', }, ], }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], }, { name: 'bordered', title: { label: '显示边框', tip: 'bordered | 是否展示边框' }, propType: 'bool', defaultValue: true, setter: 'BoolSetter', }, { name: 'split', title: { label: '展示分割线', tip: 'split | 是否展示分割线' }, propType: 'bool', defaultValue: true, setter: 'BoolSetter', }, ], }, { title: '栅格', display: 'block', type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'gridEnable', title: { label: '启用栅格', tip: 'grid | 是否启用栅格' }, propType: 'bool', setter: 'BoolSetter', extraProps: { setValue(target: { node: any; }, value: boolean) { if (!value) { const { node } = target; node.setPropValue('grid', false); } }, }, }, { name: 'grid.column', title: { label: '列数', tip: 'grid.column | 栅格的列数' }, propType: 'number', setter: 'NumberSetter', defaultValue: 4, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("gridEnable")', }, }, { name: 'grid.gutter', title: { label: '间隔', tip: 'grid.gutter | 栅格的间隔' }, propType: 'number', setter: 'NumberSetter', defaultValue: 0, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("gridEnable")', }, }, ], }, { title: '分页', display: 'block', type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'pagination', title: { label: '显示分页', tip: 'pagination | 显示分页' }, propType: 'object', setter: 'BoolSetter', extraProps: { setValue: (target: { parent: { setPropValue: (arg0: string, arg1: { pageSize: number; }) => void; }; }, value: any) => { if (value) { target.parent.setPropValue('pagination', { pageSize: 5, }); } }, }, }, { name: 'pagination.pageSize', title: { label: '每页条数', tip: 'pagination.pageSize | 每页条数' }, setter: 'NumberSetter', condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: '', title: { label: '数据总数', tip: ' | 数据总数' }, setter: 'NumberSetter', condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.current', title: { label: '当前页数', tip: 'pagination.current | 当前页数' }, setter: 'NumberSetter', condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.showTotal', title: { label: '显示总数', tip: 'pagination.showTotal | 用于显示数据总量和当前数据顺序', }, propType: 'func', setter: [ { componentName: 'FunctionSetter', props: { template: 'showTotal(total,range,${extParams}){\n// 用于格式化显示表格数据总量\nreturn 共 ${total} 条;\n}', }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.showSizeChanger', title: { label: '页数切换', tip: 'pagination.showSizeChanger | 是否展示 pageSize 切换器', }, propType: 'bool', setter: 'BoolSetter', defaultValue: false, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.showQuickJumper', title: { label: '快速跳转', tip: 'pagination.showQuickJumper | 是否可以快速跳转至某页', }, propType: 'bool', setter: 'BoolSetter', defaultValue: false, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.simple', title: { label: '简单分页', tip: 'pagination.simple | 简单分页' }, propType: 'bool', setter: 'BoolSetter', defaultValue: false, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.size', title: { label: '分页尺寸', tip: 'pagination.size | 分页尺寸' }, propType: { type: 'oneOf', value: ['default', 'small'], }, setter: [ { componentName: 'RadioGroupSetter', props: { options: [ { title: '默认', value: 'default', }, { title: '小', value: 'small', }, ], }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], defaultValue: 'default', condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, { name: 'pagination.position', title: { label: '分页位置', tip: 'pagination.position | 分页位置' }, setter: { componentName: 'SelectSetter', props: { options: [ { title: '上', value: 'top', }, { title: '下', value: 'bottom', }, { title: '上下', value: 'both', }, ], }, initialValue: 'bottomRight', }, condition: { type: 'JSFunction', value: 'target => !!target.getProps().getPropValue("pagination")', }, }, ], }, { title: '扩展', display: 'block', type: 'group', items: [ { name: 'renderItem', title: { label: '渲染函数', tip: 'renderItem | 当使用 dataSource 时,可以用 renderItem 自定义渲染列表项', }, propType: 'func', setter: [ { componentName: 'SlotSetter', title: '渲染函数插槽', initialValue: { type: 'JSSlot', params: ['item'], value: [ { componentName: 'AListItem', props: {}, children: { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: { type: 'JSExpression', value: 'this.item.text', }, }, }, }, ], }, }, { componentName: 'FunctionSetter', props: { template: 'renderItem(item,${extParams}){\n// 自定义渲染列表项\nreturn item;\n}', }, }, 'VariableSetter', ], }, { name: 'header', title: { label: '列表头部', tip: 'header | 列表头部', }, propType: 'node', setter: { componentName: 'SlotSetter', initialValue: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: '列表头部', }, }, ], }, }, }, { name: 'footer', title: { label: '列表底部', tip: 'footer | 列表底部', }, propType: 'node', setter: { componentName: 'SlotSetter', initialValue: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: '列表底部', }, }, ], }, }, }, { name: 'loadMore', title: { label: '加载更多', tip: 'loadMore | 加载更多', }, propType: 'node', setter: { componentName: 'SlotSetter', initialValue: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'AButton', props: { children: 'loading more', }, }, ], }, }, }, ], }, ], configure: { supports: { style:true, events:[ { name: 'pagination.onChange', template: 'onChange(page,pageSize,${extParams}){\n// 页码或 pageSize 改变的回调\n}', } ] } }, snippets:[ { title: '简单列表', screenshot: '', schema: { componentName: 'AList', props: { dataSource: [ { id: 1, text: 'Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.', }, { id: 2, text: 'Japanese princess to wed commoner.', }, { id: 3, text: 'Australian walks 100km after outback crash.', }, { id: 4, text: 'Man charged over missing wedding girl.', }, { id: 5, text: 'Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.', }, ], renderItem: { type: 'JSSlot', params: ['item'], value: [ { componentName: 'AListItem', props: {}, children: { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: { type: 'JSExpression', value: 'this.item.text', }, }, }, }, ], }, header: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: '列表头部', }, }, ], }, footer: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: '列表底部', }, }, ], }, itemLayout: 'horizontal', size: 'default', bordered: true, split: true, pagination: { pageSize: 5, total: 10, current: 1, }, }, }, }, { title: '基础列表', screenshot: '', schema: { componentName: 'AList', props: { dataSource: [ { id: 1, title: 'Ant Design Title 1', avatar: '', description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team', }, { id: 2, title: 'Ant Design Title 2', avatar: '', description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team', }, { id: 3, title: 'Ant Design Title 3', avatar: '', description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team', }, { id: 4, title: 'Ant Design Title 4', avatar: '', description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team', }, { id: 5, title: 'Ant Design Title 5', avatar: '', description: 'Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team', }, ], renderItem: { type: 'JSSlot', params: ['item'], value: [ { componentName: 'AListItem', props: {}, children: { componentName: 'AListItemMeta', props: { avatar: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'AAvatar', props: { // icon: { // componentName: 'AIcon', // props: { // type: 'UserOutlined', // }, // }, src: { type: 'JSExpression', value: 'this.item.avatar', }, }, }, ], }, title: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyLink', props: { children: { type: 'JSExpression', value: 'this.item.title', }, }, }, ], }, description: { type: 'JSSlot', value: [ { componentName: 'ATypographyText', props: { children: { type: 'JSExpression', value: 'this.item.description', }, }, }, ], }, }, }, }, ], }, itemLayout: 'horizontal', size: 'default', bordered: true, split: true, pagination: { pageSize: 10, total: 15, current: 1, }, }, }, } ] }

版本信息 AliLowCodeEngine: v1.1.7-beta , AliLowCodeExt :v1.0.6-beta.27 , vue: v3.2.47, @knxcloud/lowcode-plugin-vue-code-editor: v0.0.1-beta.6, @knxcloud/lowcode-utils: v1.6.0-beta.5, @knxcloud/lowcode-vue-renderer: v1.6.0-beta.7, @knxcloud/lowcode-vue-simulator-renderer: v1.6.0-beta.7