KNowledgeOnWebScale / cost-dkg-website

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Multiple issues in one Git issue because too many problems (on the home page only) #13

Open Antoine-Zimmermann opened 1 year ago

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

The big text on the main page of the DKG website says:

Welcome COST ACTION DKG Connecting researchers across Europe around the topic of Distributed Knowlede Graphs.

First, there is a typo in "Knowlede". Second, visually speaking, the biggest text is "COST ACTION DKG", which indicates that this must be the main title of the page, the text below being subtitle. But I would expect that the title of this page be "Distributed Knowledge Graphs" and then, as a subtitle, indicate that this is a COST Action, and perhaps tell us about the acronym. Third, structurally speaking, there is no title, subtitles, or sections in the page. In fact, the page is almost entirely composed of nested <div>s. The absence of headers is really bad for SEO.

I suggest placing a <h1> with the title "Distributed Knowledge Graphs". Also, use <h2>s for "Mission statement" and "Upcoming event", etc.

The list of upcoming events should be a list, even an ordered list. The list is not ordered chronologically. There is an acronym "MST" or "MDT" on each event, but I don't understand what this is. At the end of the list, there is a link to other events. The events page should be accessible from the navigation menu too.

There is a "Call for contributions" for an event that occured in June 2022.

The logos at the bottom should be put in a footer (and not in separate subdivs nested in each column). There should be a link to the COST website on the COST logo. There should be a link to the EU website on the EU flag.

Antoine-Zimmermann commented 1 year ago

@pheyvaer Hello Pieter, did you have a chance to take a look at these issues?