KOBENDigital / ConditionalDisplayers

Collection of modified Umbraco property editors to make them able to control the display of other properties in the same document type.
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Error in same case #10

Closed levipadre closed 4 years ago

levipadre commented 4 years ago


My case: I have 4 fields and the switcher. Two-two fields for visible and hidden states.

I switched to hidden (false) and filled the two fields in then saved. From this point I couldn't use the switcher anymore. On devtoolbar I can see this error:

Screenshot 2019-09-25 at 13 21 25

Should I rename something (datatype or doctype) to make it work?


skartknet commented 4 years ago

This will have to wait till Monday. I don't have a computer at hand.

skartknet commented 4 years ago

Try going to '/app_plugins/conditionaldisplayers/propertyeditors/checkbox/checkbox.controller.js' And in line 69 replace 'angular.lowercase($scope.model.value) === "true"' for '$scope.model.value===true'

levipadre commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the support! It did work.

If you could also do #9 at some point, that would be perfect.

skartknet commented 4 years ago

fixed in v2.2.1

michaelchart commented 4 years ago

@skartknet I've installed v2.3.0 via nuget and this error seems to still be present (angular.lowercase is not a function). Did this fix make it into the release?

skartknet commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, it should be fixed. I'll take a look.

skartknet commented 4 years ago

I just published the version 2.3.1 as a Nuget. It should be fixed there.