KOOKIIEStudios / PalCON-Discord

A Python-based Discord bot for PalWorld server administration via RCON
MIT License
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[SUGGESTION] Allow starting server as subprocess via discord #19

Open KOOKIIEStudios opened 6 months ago

KOOKIIEStudios commented 6 months ago


My initial impression to their request is that this might be plausible via python launching a subprocess - not too sure about the details; warrants investigation.

We can offer support for those running via steamcmd, and account for path differences by having the user manually add the path into config.toml; the bash vs batch difference can be accounted for using sys.platform from the standard library (probably with some additional helper functions).

Of course first step is to test and see whether using subprocess for this even works in win11/ubuntu (iirc palworld server via steamcmd doesn't require sudo, so we shouldn't be running into permission issues

The bigger picture for this is that aside from having a command to start the game server, it would naturally also need to run san checks for whether there is already a game server running, which means that we will need to implement monitoring for the subprocess to make sure that any game servers are already shutdown. This would probably open the floodgates for a restart command, where palcon schedules a shutdown, and then restarts the server after.

(Also reminder to whoever works on this to write san checks for whether the server start script is accessible when the command is called - in case config.toml not properly configured)