Format code with clang-format, black, yapf, gofumpt, dotnet-format, google-java-format, prettier, rubocop, gofmt, isort, rustfmt, autopep8, standardrb, standardjs, scalafmt and php-cs-fixer
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in fb1c42b according to the output
from clang-format, black, yapf, gofumpt, dotnet-format, google-java-format,
prettier, rubocop, gofmt, isort, rustfmt, autopep8, standardrb, standardjs,
scalafmt and php-cs-fixer.
Format code with clang-format, black, yapf, gofumpt, dotnet-format, google-java-format, prettier, rubocop, gofmt, isort, rustfmt, autopep8, standardrb, standardjs, scalafmt and php-cs-fixer
This commit fixes the style issues introduced in fb1c42b according to the output from clang-format, black, yapf, gofumpt, dotnet-format, google-java-format, prettier, rubocop, gofmt, isort, rustfmt, autopep8, standardrb, standardjs, scalafmt and php-cs-fixer.