KOSASIH / pi-nexus-autonomous-banking-network

A decentralized, AI-driven system accelerating the Open Mainet Pi Network, connecting global banks for secure, efficient, and autonomous transactions.
MIT License
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truffle-5.11.5.tgz: 5 vulnerabilities (highest severity is: 7.5) #1348

Open mend-bolt-for-github[bot] opened 3 weeks ago

mend-bolt-for-github[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Vulnerable Library - truffle-5.11.5.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/@trufflesuite/uws-js-unofficial/node_modules/ws/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/@trufflesuite/uws-js-unofficial/node_modules/ws/package.json

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36


CVE Severity CVSS Dependency Type Fixed in (truffle version) Remediation Possible**
CVE-2024-37890 High 7.5 detected in multiple dependencies Transitive N/A*
CVE-2024-21505 High 7.5 web3-utils-1.10.0.tgz Transitive N/A*
CVE-2024-39249 Medium 6.5 async-2.6.4.tgz Transitive N/A*
CVE-2023-45857 Medium 6.5 axios-1.5.0.tgz Transitive N/A*
CVE-2020-7608 Medium 5.3 yargs-parser-2.4.1.tgz Transitive N/A*

*For some transitive vulnerabilities, there is no version of direct dependency with a fix. Check the "Details" section below to see if there is a version of transitive dependency where vulnerability is fixed.

**In some cases, Remediation PR cannot be created automatically for a vulnerability despite the availability of remediation


CVE-2024-37890 ### Vulnerable Libraries - ws-7.4.6.tgz, ws-8.13.0.tgz

### ws-7.4.6.tgz

Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested websocket client and server for Node.js

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/ws/-/ws-7.4.6.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/ws/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/@ethersproject/providers/node_modules/ws/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - debugger-12.1.5.tgz - ensjs-2.1.0.tgz - ethers-5.7.2.tgz - providers-5.7.2.tgz - :x: **ws-7.4.6.tgz** (Vulnerable Library) ### ws-8.13.0.tgz

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/ws/-/ws-8.13.0.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/@trufflesuite/uws-js-unofficial/node_modules/ws/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/@trufflesuite/uws-js-unofficial/node_modules/ws/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - ganache-7.9.1.tgz - uws-js-unofficial-20.30.0-unofficial.0.tgz - :x: **ws-8.13.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36

Found in base branch: main

### Vulnerability Details

ws is an open source WebSocket client and server for Node.js. A request with a number of headers exceeding theserver.maxHeadersCount threshold could be used to crash a ws server. The vulnerability was fixed in ws@8.17.1 (e55e510) and backported to ws@7.5.10 (22c2876), ws@6.2.3 (eeb76d3), and ws@5.2.4 (4abd8f6). In vulnerable versions of ws, the issue can be mitigated in the following ways: 1. Reduce the maximum allowed length of the request headers using the --max-http-header-size=size and/or the maxHeaderSize options so that no more headers than the server.maxHeadersCount limit can be sent. 2. Set server.maxHeadersCount to 0 so that no limit is applied.

Publish Date: 2024-06-17

URL: CVE-2024-37890

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Origin: https://github.com/websockets/ws/security/advisories/GHSA-3h5v-q93c-6h6q

Release Date: 2024-06-17

Fix Resolution: ws - 5.2.4,6.2.3,7.5.10,8.17.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/full_solution_bolt_github)
CVE-2024-21505 ### Vulnerable Library - web3-utils-1.10.0.tgz

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/web3-utils/-/web3-utils-1.10.0.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/web3-utils/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/web3-utils/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - db-2.0.36.tgz - :x: **web3-utils-1.10.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36

Found in base branch: main

### Vulnerability Details

Versions of the package web3-utils before 4.2.1 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via the utility functions format and mergeDeep, due to insecure recursive merge. An attacker can manipulate an object's prototype, potentially leading to the alteration of the behavior of all objects inheriting from the affected prototype by passing specially crafted input to these functions.

Publish Date: 2024-03-25

URL: CVE-2024-21505

### CVSS 3 Score Details (7.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Origin: https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2024-21505

Release Date: 2024-03-25

Fix Resolution: web3-utils - 4.2.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/full_solution_bolt_github)
CVE-2024-39249 ### Vulnerable Library - async-2.6.4.tgz

Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/async/-/async-2.6.4.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/async/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/ganache/node_modules/async/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - ganache-7.9.1.tgz - async-eventemitter-0.2.4.tgz - :x: **async-2.6.4.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36

Found in base branch: main

### Vulnerability Details

Async <= 2.6.4 and <= 3.2.5 are vulnerable to ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) while parsing function in autoinject function.

Publish Date: 2024-07-01

URL: CVE-2024-39249

### CVSS 3 Score Details (6.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: Required - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: None - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: High

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/full_solution_bolt_github)
CVE-2023-45857 ### Vulnerable Library - axios-1.5.0.tgz

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/axios/-/axios-1.5.0.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/axios/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/axios/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - db-2.0.36.tgz - config-1.3.61.tgz - events-0.1.25.tgz - dashboard-message-bus-client-0.1.12.tgz - :x: **axios-1.5.0.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36

Found in base branch: main

### Vulnerability Details

An issue discovered in Axios 1.5.1 inadvertently reveals the confidential XSRF-TOKEN stored in cookies by including it in the HTTP header X-XSRF-TOKEN for every request made to any host allowing attackers to view sensitive information.

Publish Date: 2023-11-08

URL: CVE-2023-45857

### CVSS 3 Score Details (6.5)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Network - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: None - User Interaction: Required - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: High - Integrity Impact: None - Availability Impact: None

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2023-11-08

Fix Resolution: axios - 1.6.0

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/full_solution_bolt_github)
CVE-2020-7608 ### Vulnerable Library - yargs-parser-2.4.1.tgz

the mighty option parser used by yargs

Library home page: https://registry.npmjs.org/yargs-parser/-/yargs-parser-2.4.1.tgz

Path to dependency file: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/package.json

Path to vulnerable library: /blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/node_modules/solc/node_modules/yargs-parser/package.json,/blockchain_integration/pi_network/contracts/PI-bank/node_modules/@ensdomains/ens/node_modules/yargs-parser/package.json

Dependency Hierarchy: - truffle-5.11.5.tgz (Root Library) - debugger-12.1.5.tgz - ensjs-2.1.0.tgz - ens-0.4.5.tgz - solc-0.4.26.tgz - yargs-4.8.1.tgz - :x: **yargs-parser-2.4.1.tgz** (Vulnerable Library)

Found in HEAD commit: d3541aa3e3fabe96b343bad4a2627e5d1fbf8c36

Found in base branch: main

### Vulnerability Details

yargs-parser could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of Object.prototype using a "__proto__" payload.

Publish Date: 2020-03-16

URL: CVE-2020-7608

### CVSS 3 Score Details (5.3)

Base Score Metrics: - Exploitability Metrics: - Attack Vector: Local - Attack Complexity: Low - Privileges Required: Low - User Interaction: None - Scope: Unchanged - Impact Metrics: - Confidentiality Impact: Low - Integrity Impact: Low - Availability Impact: Low

For more information on CVSS3 Scores, click here.

### Suggested Fix

Type: Upgrade version

Release Date: 2020-03-16

Fix Resolution: 5.0.1;13.1.2;15.0.1;18.1.1

Step up your Open Source Security Game with Mend [here](https://www.whitesourcesoftware.com/full_solution_bolt_github)