KOTORCommunityPatches / K1_Community_Patch

K1 Community Patch
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Korriban Dreshdae - Various issues #160

Open DarthParametric opened 5 years ago

DarthParametric commented 5 years ago
ebmar commented 5 years ago

In the run-in with Lashowe, her lackeys turn to face her... It's a triggered convo so the party can be jumped into place.

Yeah they should! The way I see it too; the default trigger seem to be too far away from an ideal so it's kind of weird to seem them talking from afar. Anyway, apparently there're redundant -if not, breaking- scripts inside kor33_lashowe.dlg; that initial convo with Lashowe and her mofos in Dreshdae korr_m33aa. They're -


Breaking - because with those scripts fired tend to break the facing of participants. These are some entries that uses them -

Entry 29
Entry 32
Entry 35
Entry 39

With them removed now Speaker-Listener tag for the aforementioned entries will not be ignored.

DarthParametric commented 11 months ago

1.10.0 beta test 2 observations: