KOTORCommunityPatches / K1_Community_Patch

K1 Community Patch
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Korriban Tomb of Naga Sadow - Various conversation/cutscene issues #167

Open DarthParametric opened 5 years ago

DarthParametric commented 5 years ago
JCarter426 commented 5 years ago

The optional content of my Korriban mod includes a fix for the clothing. I picked one outfit each for Uthar and Yuthura (I think the darker ones) and gave them those in all modules.

I think it might've gotten left out of the Community Patch for compatibility reasons before, but I am going to have to revisit the whole mod at some point anyway.

DarthParametric commented 5 years ago

My personal preference would be robes, since army/navy style uniforms never made any sense to me for Sith, but I guess that is considered a step too far for the patch.

JCarter426 commented 5 years ago

Well, that's what the rest of the mod is for. But yes.

I'll probably end up doing a compatibility patch with the option to keep or overwrite any of the Community Patch's changes.

DarthParametric commented 5 years ago

Final confrontation scene, siding with Uthar (post-Leviathan).

Vanilla - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqTvA4ytwz0 Edited - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXlfzaQJW_0

Salk73 commented 5 years ago

My advice is to cut the Persuade animation at E63.

Also, from what I can see Entries to R60 may benefit of some changes: E52 should be first, R62 should have "k39_uth_yuthhost" removed, the dark side shift changed from high to med and be changed from end of dialogue node to having links to E53 and E51.

DarthParametric commented 9 months ago

1.10.0 beta test observations: