KOTORCommunityPatches / K1_Community_Patch

K1 Community Patch
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Canderous is facing the wrong way during the Taris escape sequence #802

Open JCarter426 opened 2 months ago

JCarter426 commented 2 months ago

During the escape from Taris, Canderous is facing the hallway with his back to everything going on in the cockpit.

K1CP already adjusts this sequence, and I couldn't find an issue mentioning it, so I'm not sure if this was an intentional change or an oversight. However, it was reported as a bug via Discord, and I agree that it looks out of place.

Xbox: image

K1CP: image

DarthParametric commented 2 months ago

The companions are untouched. They may randomly teleport around, sometimes not even appearing in shot. It's why in my mod (that K1CP only partially uses) I gave them stunt anims.

Here's the vanilla module OnEnter. Basically the party just gets spawned at the module entry point. Only Bastila and Carth have special handling. I can dig out the Xbox script, but I doubt it's different. I'm sure if you ran the scene multiple times on the Xbox you'd get the same random positioning as on the PC.

Edit: Here's the module entry waypoint. It's out in the corridor. So technically Canderous in both screenshots there is (unintentionally) jumping in front of the player's starting point. Player's/Carth's/Bastila's positions are handled by the stunt anims. Canderous's facing in the second pic is just the usual turning to face the PC.
