KOTORCommunityPatches / TSL_Community_Patch

TSL Community Patch
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Ramana doesn't cough up her wages #30

Open JCarter426 opened 5 years ago

JCarter426 commented 5 years ago

(reported by Sniggles)

Seems like the issue may be with the scripts only checking the player's base class and not accounting for the prestige class.

void main() {
    object oPC = GetFirstPC();
    int int1 = GetLevelByPosition(1, oPC);
    GiveGoldToCreature(oPC, (100 * int1));
    SetGlobalNumber("207TEL_Ramana_Level", int1);
int StartingConditional() {
    string sParam = GetScriptStringParameter();
    int nGlobal = GetGlobalNumber(sParam);
    if ((nGlobal < GetLevelByPosition(1, GetFirstPC()))) {
        return 1;
    return 0;
Snigaroo commented 4 years ago

On this playthrough I've leveled up 7 times already since getting my prestige class and Ramana hasn't given wages for any of those level-ups. It seems like the prestige class transition breaks her entirely, at least with the builds.

Snigaroo commented 4 years ago

Also, provided Ramana and the Trandoshan representative of the Red Eclipse on Nar Shaddaa use the same code, they might need a look-over too. They probably suffer the same issue.