KRTirtho / spotube

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Spotify canvas #1260

Open owencz1998 opened 5 months ago

owencz1998 commented 5 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


This would be a nice addition to spotube.

Suggested solution

Plenty ways to add.

Useful resources

No response

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No response

Self grab

bmisiak commented 1 month ago

Sample canvas URL:

The mobile Spotify client uses a protocol called Protobuf to communicate with the bridge/cosmos/hermes API and request a canvas link for a given track. However, the Desktop and Web clients do not have protobuf-based implementations and purely send JSON requests.

librespot-java was vital for figuring out the Protobuf format and endpoint for this request. Big thank you to @devgianlu for his work on librespot and the EntityCanvazRequest proto file.

Using the knowledge from librespot, I was able to make a fetch call that bypasses the javascript Cosmos API and does a direct web request with binary protobuf data. You can then decode the binary response to get a list of canvases for a given track (previously, I had to encode the binary as UTF-8 and use the builtin Cosmos client, which was very unreliable). [...] Canvases are H.264 encoded MP4 files.