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The Piped and Jiosaavn audio sources seem be broken #1309

Open fxzxmicah opened 4 months ago

fxzxmicah commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Current Behavior

Unable to play using Piped and Jiosaavn audio sources. The YouTube audio source can play normally.

Expected Behavior

We can play music using Piped and Jiosaavn audio sources.

Steps to reproduce


Operating System

Android 13

Spotube version


Installation source

Play Store (Android)

Additional information

The Piped I tested is error sending request for url (,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,initcwndbps&mh=tJ&mime=audio/webm&mm=31,29&mn=sn-npoe7nz7,sn-npoldn7l&ms=au,rdu&mt=1709969588&mv=m&mvi=3&pcm2=yes&pl=24&requiressl=yes&rqh=1&sig=AJfQdSswRQIhAIYll5xGecWmIz7tzSX697xtcyDRQZj_UMNBf3pCb9x8AiBxVbmz8utlZT4iTSW0OH1QuxGqq5ZxLXkW-seOF_bASw%3D%3D&source=youtube&sparams=expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,xpc,pcm2,gcr,spc,vprv,svpuc,mime,rqh,gir,clen,dur,lmt&spc=UWF9f6rjxQW_aWFYxSS7xVRV02QssHRy_kIm69YE0Ycnon3eWQ&svpuc=1&txp=2318224&ump=1&vprv=1&xpc=EgVo2aDSNQ%3D%3D&range=0-479205): error trying to connect: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Temporary failure in name resolution

In addition, when using the YouTube audio source, some songs can be played normally and some can't be loaded. What is the reason?

Self grab

GStudiosX2 commented 3 months ago

I have a kinda similar issue with YouTube atleast but jigsaw and piped worked for me a few days ago but yeah YouTube sometimes doesn't play for some reason it seems to get private or deleted videos and it breaks the track and the song won't play

Here's my issue: #1289 (the error in the issue is what happens when you open different sources and I recently posted a different error and pretty sure it's related)

fxzxmicah commented 3 months ago

jigsaw and piped worked for me

Piped doesn't work because the Piped server returned a domain name unresolvable error. I think it's a problem on the server side. I don't know what happened to Jiosaavn, it used to work normally.

YouTube sometimes doesn't play for some reason it seems to get private or deleted videos and it breaks the track and the song won't play

Maybe you're right, which is why I asked for Spotify as a new audio source. I don't know if it's possible, though. I've read somewhere that if Spotify is used as an audio source for non-official software, you need an account with a premium subscription.

GStudiosX2 commented 3 months ago

Maybe you're right, which is why I asked for Spotify as a new audio source. I don't know if it's possible, though. I've read somewhere that if Spotify is used as an audio source for non-official software, you need an account with a premium subscription.

I remember there being some comments by contributors in issues saying why Spotify isn't yet available as a audio source

fxzxmicah commented 3 months ago I did a quick search, and I found this. There are other unofficial clients that use Spotify directly as an audio source, but they all use a project called librespot. So that's not going to happen for the time being.

fxzxmicah commented 3 months ago

I'm trying this app(, and there's a lot of missing features and a lot of bugs, but its core feature, playing music, is basically usable.