KRTirtho / spotube

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Seperate folder for downloaded songs #1621

Open Monsterwaill opened 2 weeks ago

Monsterwaill commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


Having to go through the data folder to collect your songs is a pisstake imo, having people who want to download a bunch of songs have to root through the data folder trying to get the specific one they downloaded is annoying as fuck

Suggested solution

My suggestion would be to add a "Downloaded Songs" folder so it is much easier to locate songs that you have downloaded, maybe at a push have new folders created in that folder for different albums.

I would do it myself but I do not know what codebase this application is on nor what application to use to edit the code.

Suggested folder structure: spotube/downloads/downloaded song(s)

if we were to have album folders for the songs you download in that folder, it would go: spotube/downloads/downloaded song album(s)/downloaded song(s)

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