Downloaded music is never synched with playlist on your Spotify Account. Making separated management and also no possibility for faster responds when switching of track in a playlist because you downloaded it. It's also impossible to download all music of a playlist at once.
Suggested solution
Linking downloaded songs to the playlist you downloaded it from and create in the folder for local Spotube files (should be Music folder by default) a folder with the playlist name (if not already created). If the Music as already been downloaded for other playlist, just create a shortcut or a symlink to the files in the other playlist.
Add a download all music on a playlist pages to allow downloading of the music in the playlist, and do the logic above for each of them.
Detect if the music is deleted from a playlist in the downloads because if it is and there is shortcuts or symlinks linked to it, just replace one of them by the music. Others change them to be linked to the new location.
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If I am not wrong you already only download the music from the sources that is used but if not, add that to. This would be very useful. If you have any question fill free to ask (this would be a massive rework of the feature but I think this would make it perfect or at least awesome).
Is there an existing issue for this?
Downloaded music is never synched with playlist on your Spotify Account. Making separated management and also no possibility for faster responds when switching of track in a playlist because you downloaded it. It's also impossible to download all music of a playlist at once.
Suggested solution
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If I am not wrong you already only download the music from the sources that is used but if not, add that to. This would be very useful. If you have any question fill free to ask (this would be a massive rework of the feature but I think this would make it perfect or at least awesome).
Self grab