KS-DB-Merge-Tools / Issues

Issue tracker for KS DB Merge Tools
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Table structure diff - decimal field merge failure #9

Open semenenkov opened 2 weeks ago

semenenkov commented 2 weeks ago

Couple of unknown error reports from Aug 10, 2024 Stack trace from the error log:

Application.Current.DispatcherUnhandledException System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Invalid precision for decimal data type. at ADODB.ConnectionClass.Execute(String CommandText, Object& RecordsAffected, Int32 Options) at AccdbMerge.Data.Project.‪‏‮‎‫‍‏‪‏‫‍‬​‬‭‍‪‫‫‬‫‍‭‍‌‮(_Connection , String , Object& , Int32 ) at AccdbMerge.Data.Project.​‫‪‏‍‎‫​‭‍‪‫‏‪‫‮​‮‍‏‬‭‮‪‏‍‫‮(‮‫‫‏​​‪‭‫‍‭‌‭​‍​​‭‮ , Table , Table , TableDef , Connection , Fields , List1& , String , String ) at AccdbMerge.Data.Project.‮‬​‏‪‫‫​‍‮​‫‭‏‮‏​‍‭‭​‮‍‍‮‏‮(‮‫‫‏​​‪‭‫‍‭‌‭​‍​​‭‮ , Table , Table , Dictionary2 , List1 , TableDef , Connection , Application , List1 , List1 , List1 ) at AccdbMerge.Data.Project.‮‫‮‮‮​​‬‫‪‮‮‍‪‮‏‪​‌​‏‪‏‏‭‪‮(Project , String , LinkedDef , Dictionary2 , List1 , List1 , List1 , List`1 , ‮‫‫‏​​‪‭‫‍‭‌‭​‍​​‭‮ , Application ) at AccdbMerge.ViewModel.TableStructureDiffTab.DoMerge(Boolean mergeToRight)

semenenkov commented 2 weeks ago

It would be great if someone could provide file samples to reproduce this issue