Project Checkpoint 4 is coming-up on Monday, Dec 3rd. Follow our Project Guidelines. In grading this checkpoint, we will be looking for the following:
[x] 1) XML Markup: Your XML markup of these documents should be about finished. Your collection should consist of well-formed XML documents full of detailed content-level markup inside your paragraphs.
[x] 2) Schema: EVERY XML-file must be associated (linked-to) a schema that validates its contents. TEI-based projects should also have an ODD that was used to generate the schema.
[x] 3) Webpages: The webpages and CSS should well-developed: A descriptive and attractive home page should lead to several NON-EMPTY pages of content that contain links to the HTML-versions (or at least XML-files) of the texts used in this project. Also, supporting text describing the these texts, and what will be displayed in the future (when complete), should be present. Although we don't expect your SVG graphics to be in a finished state, there should be some indication of where they will be located and some description of what they will portray. Again, all of the main web pages should use CSS and SSI's (for your site menu).
[ ] 4) Web space on As you upload files to your web space using Filezilla, try to keep your files organized. Because you should not be storing all of your files in the same (root) file-directory on your website, you should have a logical hierarchy of directory folders for different kinds for files (css, letters or other source documents, graphics, etc.). Also, eliminate any duplicate copies of files.
[x] 5) GitHub Repo: GitHub should be at the core of your project development: Just as your webspace should have a logical structure of directory folders, so too should your project repo on GitHub. Similarly, eliminate any duplicate copies of files, redundant schemas, earlier experimental versions (or put them in a folder called "old".
All of your project files (text, XML, schemas, webpages, CSS, etc.) should be on GitHub so that the entire project team, and your instructors, can access them.
We've designed this as a task list that you can mark off as you complete the tasks. (You can generate one for your team using markdown like we did here. Use the icon above with the checkmark to create a task list entry on a GitHub Issue)
@KSD32 @Julegirl @quantum-satire
Project Checkpoint 4 is coming-up on Monday, Dec 3rd. Follow our Project Guidelines. In grading this checkpoint, we will be looking for the following:
[x] 1) XML Markup: Your XML markup of these documents should be about finished. Your collection should consist of well-formed XML documents full of detailed content-level markup inside your paragraphs.
[x] 2) Schema: EVERY XML-file must be associated (linked-to) a schema that validates its contents. TEI-based projects should also have an ODD that was used to generate the schema.
[x] 3) Webpages: The webpages and CSS should well-developed: A descriptive and attractive home page should lead to several NON-EMPTY pages of content that contain links to the HTML-versions (or at least XML-files) of the texts used in this project. Also, supporting text describing the these texts, and what will be displayed in the future (when complete), should be present. Although we don't expect your SVG graphics to be in a finished state, there should be some indication of where they will be located and some description of what they will portray. Again, all of the main web pages should use CSS and SSI's (for your site menu).
[ ] 4) Web space on As you upload files to your web space using Filezilla, try to keep your files organized. Because you should not be storing all of your files in the same (root) file-directory on your website, you should have a logical hierarchy of directory folders for different kinds for files (css, letters or other source documents, graphics, etc.). Also, eliminate any duplicate copies of files.
[x] 5) GitHub Repo: GitHub should be at the core of your project development: Just as your webspace should have a logical structure of directory folders, so too should your project repo on GitHub. Similarly, eliminate any duplicate copies of files, redundant schemas, earlier experimental versions (or put them in a folder called "old".
All of your project files (text, XML, schemas, webpages, CSS, etc.) should be on GitHub so that the entire project team, and your instructors, can access them.
We've designed this as a task list that you can mark off as you complete the tasks. (You can generate one for your team using markdown like we did here. Use the icon above with the checkmark to create a task list entry on a GitHub Issue) @KSD32 @Julegirl @quantum-satire