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[Bug] Crash on startup: "System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path." #2907

Closed enbyfoxen closed 4 years ago

enbyfoxen commented 4 years ago


Have you made any manual changes to your GameData folder (i.e., not via CKAN)? No


CKAN closes immediately after opening with the following message displayed in the window:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
   at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)
   at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
   at CKAN.KSPManager.LoadInstancesFromRegistry()
   at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Execute(KSPManager manager, CommonOptions opts, String[] args)
   at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Main(String[] args)

Steps to reproduce

Expected behavior CKAN should open properly.

Screenshots (if applicable) image

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

Have you changed the download cache path? The stack trace suggests that it's invalid.

enbyfoxen commented 4 years ago

Have you changed the download cache path? The stack trace suggests that it's invalid.

I assume i would have to do that from inside CKANs settings? CKAN does not open further than the image displayed above.

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

You can also do it from the command line:

ckan cache list

enbyfoxen commented 4 years ago

Result from attempting to execute the above command on CKAN 1.26.4

.\ckan_orion.exe cache list 
Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path. 
at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath) 
at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost) 
at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path) 
at CKAN.KSPManager.LoadInstancesFromRegistry() 
at CKAN.CmdLine.Cache.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<RunSubCommand>b__0(String option, Object suboptions) 
at CommandLine.Parser.ParseArgumentsStrict(String[] args, Object options, Action`2 onVerbCommand, Action onFail) 
at CKAN.CmdLine.Cache.RunSubCommand(KSPManager mgr, CommonOptions opts, SubCommandOptions unparsed) 
at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Execute(KSPManager manager, CommonOptions opts, String[] args) 
at CKAN.CmdLine.MainClass.Main(String[] args)   ```
HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

OK, then we'll need to dig the setting out of the config file (introduced in #2820). It should be in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\CKAN\config.json, possibly with some variations depending on how consistent Microsoft's operating systems are. It should be short enough to paste into a comment from notepad, but have a browse through it first just in case there's any sensitive data (unlikely but not impossible).

enbyfoxen commented 4 years ago

This is the file as it was initially

  "KspInstances": [
      "Name": "Kerbal Space Program",
      "Path": "D:/Games/Kerbal Space Program"
  "AuthTokens": {},
  "AutoStartInstance": "",
  "DownloadCacheDir": "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Luke Antra\\AppData\\Local\\CKAN\\downloads",
  "CacheSizeLimit": null,
  "RefreshRate": 0,
  "KSPBuilds": {
    "builds": {
      "464": "",
      "559": "",
      "642": "",
      "705": "",
      "830": "",
      "842": "",
      "861": "",
      "1024": "",
      "1028": "",
      "1172": "",
      "1174": "",
      "1180": "",
      "1183": "",
      "1196": "",
      "1203": "",
      "1209": "",
      "1215": "",
      "1224": "",
      "1228": "",
      "1230": "",
      "1250": "",
      "1260": "",
      "1289": "",
      "1473": "",
      "1479": "",
      "1485": "",
      "1486": "",
      "1489": "",
      "1494": "",
      "1499": "",
      "1500": "",
      "1509": "",
      "1517": "",
      "1520": "",
      "1523": "",
      "1532": "",
      "1539": "",
      "1540": "",
      "1546": "",
      "1548": "",
      "1553": "",
      "1563": "",
      "1564": "",
      "1569": "",
      "1574": "",
      "1576": "",
      "1583": "",
      "1584": "",
      "1586": "",
      "1604": "",
      "1622": "",
      "1727": "",
      "1730": "",
      "1737": "",
      "1738": "",
      "1743": "",
      "1750": "",
      "1758": "",
      "1764": "",
      "1773": "",
      "1781": "",
      "1790": "",
      "1796": "",
      "1800": "",
      "1804": "",
      "1836": "",
      "1847": "",
      "1855": "",
      "1863": "",
      "1891": "",
      "2077": "",
      "2089": "",
      "2110": "",
      "2152": "",
      "2215": "",
      "2243": "",
      "2256": "",
      "2332": "",
      "2335": "",
      "2395": "",
      "2401": "",
      "2483": ""

This is the file as it was created after i deleted it an ran CKAN Orion

  "KspInstances": [
      "Name": "Kerbal Space Program",
      "Path": "C:/Games/Kerbal Space Program"
  "AuthTokens": {},
  "AutoStartInstance": "Kerbal Space Program",
  "DownloadCacheDir": "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Luke Antra\\AppData\\Local\\CKAN\\downloads",
  "CacheSizeLimit": null,
  "RefreshRate": 0,
  "KSPBuilds": {
    "builds": {
      "464": "",
      "559": "",
      "642": "",
      "705": "",
      "830": "",
      "842": "",
      "861": "",
      "1024": "",
      "1028": "",
      "1172": "",
      "1174": "",
      "1180": "",
      "1183": "",
      "1196": "",
      "1203": "",
      "1209": "",
      "1215": "",
      "1224": "",
      "1228": "",
      "1230": "",
      "1250": "",
      "1260": "",
      "1289": "",
      "1473": "",
      "1479": "",
      "1485": "",
      "1486": "",
      "1489": "",
      "1494": "",
      "1499": "",
      "1500": "",
      "1509": "",
      "1517": "",
      "1520": "",
      "1523": "",
      "1532": "",
      "1539": "",
      "1540": "",
      "1546": "",
      "1548": "",
      "1553": "",
      "1563": "",
      "1564": "",
      "1569": "",
      "1574": "",
      "1576": "",
      "1583": "",
      "1584": "",
      "1586": "",
      "1604": "",
      "1622": "",
      "1727": "",
      "1730": "",
      "1737": "",
      "1738": "",
      "1743": "",
      "1750": "",
      "1758": "",
      "1764": "",
      "1773": "",
      "1781": "",
      "1790": "",
      "1796": "",
      "1800": "",
      "1804": "",
      "1836": "",
      "1847": "",
      "1855": "",
      "1863": "",
      "1891": "",
      "2077": "",
      "2089": "",
      "2110": "",
      "2152": "",
      "2215": "",
      "2243": "",
      "2256": "",
      "2332": "",
      "2335": "",
      "2395": "",
      "2401": "",
      "2483": "",
      "2539": "",
      "2555": "",
      "2556": "",
      "2594": "",
      "2686": ""

I then changed "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Luke Antra\\AppData\\Local\\CKAN\\downloads" to "C:\\Users\\Luke Antra\\AppData\\Local\\CKAN\\downloads"

And now CKAN Orion works.

However, deleting the file again and executing CKAN Orion recreates the file with the malformed path. Causing the issue to reappear.

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that's definitely the cause, Windows doesn't allow question marks in paths. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file

As for why it comes back after deleting the file, you probably have some old registry keys from previous versions that are being imported. Check HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CKAN in regedit.

enbyfoxen commented 4 years ago

DownloadCacheDir (REG_SZ) is set to \\?\C:\Users\Luke Antra\AppData\Local\CKAN\downloads

Deleting this entry makes the problem now go away entirely.

Thank you for the help!

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago

Great to hear! I guess we ought to add (more) validation of that field...

DasSkelett commented 4 years ago


Those are extended-length paths. From what I read, they are per se valid (and theoretically shouldn't make any problems), but it looks like we are doing some (de)serialization escaping wrong.

HebaruSan commented 4 years ago
