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GUI and command line don't agree on what mods to recommend #907

Closed netkan-bot closed 9 years ago

netkan-bot commented 9 years ago

Issue by aw1621107 Friday Feb 27, 2015 at 22:57 GMT # Sample: Friday Sep 13, 2013 at 22:58 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/issues/95

Seems that the CKAN GUI and command line sometimes disagree on what mods to install from the "Recommended" list.

This was done with the most recent release of the ckan.exe executable on OS X 10.10.2.


mono ~/Applications/ckan.exe install RealismOverhaul

Yields the following list of mods to install:

About to install...

 * RealismOverhaul v8.1.1 (cached)
 * RSSTexturesDDS2048 1.0 (cached)
 * ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Aggressive 4-3 (cached)
 * TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul v8.1.1 (cached)
 * AdvancedJetEngine 2.0.3 (cached)
 * FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6 (cached)
 * ModuleManager 2.5.9 (cached)
 * RealFuels rf-v8.4 (cached)
 * CrossFeedEnabler v3.2 (cached)
 * KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.1 (cached)
 * ModuleRCSFX v3.5 (cached)
 * RealSolarSystem v8.5 (cached)
 * DDSLoader (cached)
 * CustomBiomes-Data-RSS v8.5 (cached)
 * CustomBiomes v1.7.2 (cached)
 * Toolbar 1.7.8 (cached)
 * BetterBuoyancy v1.1 (cached)
 * ConnectedLivingSpace (cached)
 * DeadlyReentry v6.4.0 (cached)
 * EngineIgnitor-Unofficial-Repack (cached)
 * FilterExtensions 1.17 (cached)
 * FShangarExtender 3.0 (cached)
 * KSP-AVC (cached)
 * MechJeb2 2.4.2 (cached)
 * ProceduralDynamics v0.9.3 (cached)
 * ProceduralFairings v3.11 (cached)
 * ProceduralParts v1.0.2 (cached)
 * RealChute (cached)
 * RealPlume v8.1.1 (cached)
 * SmokeScreen 2.5.3 (cached)
 * RemoteTech v1.6.3 (cached)
 * TACLS v0.10.2b (cached)
 * TextureReplacer 2.2.5 (cached)
 * TweakScale v1.50 (cached)

While doing the same in the GUI (installing all recommended mods and no suggested mods):

screen shot 2015-02-27 at 5 55 33 pm

(sorry about the picture, seems I can't copy/paste the output)

Some mods are missing from the latter image, such as TACLS, Active Texture Management, and EngineIgnitor.

netkan-bot commented 9 years ago

Comment by aw1621107 Thursday Apr 02, 2015 at 20:23 GMT # Sample: Friday Sep 13, 2013 at 22:58 GMT

May be sort of fixed in TACLS RSS config shows up properly. However, RSS now automatically includes RSS Textures 2048x1024, and ATM/EngineIgnitor doesn't seem to be showing up still. Possibly something to do with the changes made here?

pjf commented 9 years ago

As far as I know if the GUI is asked to install something which is provided by more than one module (eg, the RSS Textures) it just goes and picks the first one, rather than picking the only one that is consistent (if possible), or giving the user a choice (if not). I never thought this used to be the case (although I fear previously this wasn't much better).

I need to find/open a ticket to seriously inspect how the GUI is getting better at relationship resolution. I know @RichardLake has been making some seriously good improvements to it, but it'd be grand to have mapped out what's done, and what's still needing to be attended to.

mheguy commented 9 years ago

Win 7-64 I had MechJebForAll-1.1.0 installed and later upgraded to MechJebForAll- Days after the upgrade I happened to run "ckan show mechjebforall" in a command window. Image of output http://imgur.com/FNSg1qq These depends/recommends are from 1.1.0 and not To test further I removed and re-installed MechJebForAll (done through win-gui and which installed as expected). I then ran the same command line again. The result was http://imgur.com/fHRBwnn (The depends/recommends from the CKAN).

In the gui the recommends/depends were properly listed the whole time.

Dazpoet commented 9 years ago

I've done some testing about how the GUI handles multiple provides of the same module over at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-GUI/issues/95

pjf commented 9 years ago

Looks like #976 is where all the action on this ticket is. There's a patch in progress. :)

Closing this in favour of consolidating tickets which deal with the same issue. :)