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RSMP (Formerly SRBWE, SWE) links to deleted github/spacedock pages. #10038

Closed AdiriKSP closed 1 month ago

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Mod: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/207196-112x-rsmp-formally-swe/

Correct github page: https://github.com/dangaffa/RSMP

Github/Spacedock that CKAN links to: https://spacedock.info/mod/2992/RSMP - Remastered Solid Plume Effects [ALL OLD RELEASES OUTDATED!!!] https://github.com/AdiriKSP/RSMP

I didn't feel like setting up a new spacedock mod page, hope that doesn't cause any issues.

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

Hey @AdiriKSP, what is the name of the mod? From the alphabet soup in the title I thought StockWaterfallEffects, but that seems to have a completely different set of links.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

RSMP is the current name. CKAN has it indexed under a current name which is why I included it. My bad.

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

But what's the name, not acronym. We need to be able to find it.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

The name CKAN has indexed?

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

Any clue would help, really.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Sorry, the project has gone through a lot of name changes. CKAN should have it indexed under either SRB Waterfall Effects, RSMP, or SRBWE. RSMP is just the current name, and not an acronym.

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

SRB Waterfall Effects

Ahh, that's the one! Perfect, thanks.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Yeah, my bad. Thanks a lot

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

Hey @AdiriKSP, that repo seems to have no releases, so we can't use it. Is that the only source?

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

I'm asking the owner of the repo to make a release right now. If they cannot I can make a new repo.

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

OK, let us know if that gets straightened out, and we can re-open this.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Release has been made https://github.com/dangaffa/RSMP/releases/tag/mainrevs

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

Are you sure about mainrevs as a version number? That looks pretty weird, and doesn't easily lend it self to predecessor or successor versions.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

That is more than likely the final release of this mod ever.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

And if it isn't I suppose it can be changed later.

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

And if it isn't I suppose it can be changed later.

Not really. If it needs to be changed, that should happen now, before it gets added to CKAN. That's why I asked about it.

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Numbered release added

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

The previous release was 0.4. Any chance you could make this easy for everyone else and pick something larger than that instead of 0.0.1 ?

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

roger, 4.0.1 is the new number

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

Uhh, negatory, the version number is not changed. This is where it comes from: image

AdiriKSP commented 1 month ago

Should be fixed

HebaruSan commented 1 month ago

OK, those changes should be on their way to CKAN users now. Thanks for letting us know!